Urgent Call: Unlocking the Entry of Imported Medical Supplies – Health Chambers Seek Government Meeting

2023-07-19 22:30:41

The health chambers ask to meet with the Government to unlock the entry of material.

Medical care in the country became a headache for patients. Between the difficulties to get turns and the increases in prepaid, now a new problem has been added: the lack of imported inputs that paralyzes surgeries and transplants.

For this reason, the main chambers and entities that represent companies and laboratories that provide equipment, supplies, reagents and critical elements for clinical diagnoses denounced this complex situation before the Minister of Economy. Sergio Massa and his partner from Health, Carla Vizzotti.

The request was also addressed to the Secretary for Commercial Policy and Management, Germán Cervantes, and to the heads of the Central Bank and ANMAT. In all cases urgently requested hearings. The objective is to solve the delays in the approval and new terms of the payment of SIRAs (System of Imports of the Argentine Republic) that affects the supply of elements for the health system.

“The current regulatory and exchange restrictions prevent the normal supply of the health systemwhich will imminently affect the performance of clinical analyzes forcing to suspend interventions such as transplants and surgeriesputting the country’s patients at risk of life ”, maintains a document to which he accessed Clarion.

Sources consulted explain that “fiscal warehouses are crammed with inputs and critical elements even with temperatures and difficulties to preserve them”. However, despite the fact that there were meetings with the Ministries of Economy and Health, the conflict was not resolved.

So far they have enabled the importation of medicines, but “70% of health decisions require studies and analysis, and they are not medicines, so there’s a gap.”

The problem lies in the shortage of foreign currency they need to pay for basic and critical inputs for the medical diagnosis and treatment system.

“The proposed solution to the authorities is immaterial in terms of foreign currency, because the set of inputs that today are in supply difficulties represent less than 1% of Argentine foreign trade”explained sources in the sector.

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Laboratories and companies denounced that “the impact due to the shortage of this type of critical products is very important and that it is serious for the health system and, ultimately, for patients”. imminent risk of product shortagesspare parts and supplies for the operation of equipment and the realization of diagnoses and treatments.

The orders were made by the Argentine Chamber of Supplies, Implantables and Medical Equipment (CADIEM); the Traumatology Industry Chamber (CADIT); the Argentine Chamber of Manufacturers of Medical Implants (CAFIME); the Argentine Chamber of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation Manufacturers and Traders (CAFYCOR); the Chamber of Industries for Health of the Province of Córdoba (CAISAL); the Argentine Chamber of Electro-medical Equipment Producers (CAPEEM); the Argentine Chamber of Diagnostic Reagents (CAPRODI) and the Argentine Union of State Suppliers, Subcommittee for Diagnostic Reagents and Elements (UAPE Red).

Clarion spokespersons for the Ministry of Health were contacted but they did not comment on the request.


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