Wang Guocai urges not to talk about not working overtime on the iron union: Su Zhenchang promises to disappear after the fart | Politics | Newtalk News

The Taiwan Railway Trade Union requested a salary increase and guaranteed employee salaries and benefits. If the employer does not respond in good faith, it will initiate the action of not working overtime during the Mid-Autumn Festival (file photo).Photo: Zhang Jianing / Photo

Taiwan Railway Labor-Management Consultation Co., Ltd.’s negotiation on the sub-law did not go well. The labor union of the Taiwan Railway Company requested a 50% salary increase, but was not approved by the Taiwan Railway, and threatened to start the Mid-Autumn Festival and other national holidays without overtime. Transport Minister Wang Cai appealed to the trade union not to talk about “no overtime”. The Taiwan Railway Trade Union responded that the Executive Director Su Zhenchang promised to protect the welfare and treatment of the employees of the Taiwan Railway; Wang Guocai claimed that he would stand with the employees and asked the Taiwan Railway to communicate with the labor union about the details of each sub-law, but the labor union was indignant. , these promises are stinky farts, and they disappear when they are finished.

In an interview on the 28th, Wang Guocai stated that if the salary increase is substantial, he will wait until the company is established to make money. level. Both employers and employees should return to a calm discussion, and suggested that the trade union should not talk about “no overtime”, which would cause anxiety among passengers. As long as the Taiwan Railway Corporation’s sub-law is in line with the company’s management and care for employees, he will support it. In this regard, the Taiwan Railways Union stated on the evening of the 28th that it was necessary to “suspend the broadcast” of the perfunctory drama negotiating with the Taiwan Railway Bureau on the sub-law, and decided to pick up the remote control and take the initiative.

The Taiwan Railway Trade Union mentioned that, considering that in the past, they had only one day off without working overtime and even signing up, they had no feeling for the rulers. If you do not work overtime, the original signing of the Mid-Autumn Festival on September 10 and the National Day on October 10 will be carried out as scheduled. After several sub-law consultation meetings, the employer, Taiwan Railway Bureau, continued to perfunctory during the negotiation process. The company’s assets and employee benefits, which are closely related to the company’s sustainable operation, all responded in a perfunctory manner. Taiwan Railway did not want to improve employee welfare, and the supervisors who participated in the meeting seemed not to be employees of Taiwan Railway.

The Taiwan Railway Trade Union criticized it hard. On May 27, the Legislative Yuan passed the third reading of the regulations on the establishment of the Taiwan Railway Company. Su Zhenchang promised to protect the welfare and treatment of the employees of the Taiwan Railway; Wang Guocai said that he would stand with the employees and asked the Taiwan Railway to address each item. The details of the sub-law are communicated with the union, but these promises are stinky farts that disappear after they are released. In the 5th negotiation meeting, it was proposed that the welfare data of corporatized units such as Chunghwa Post, Port Affairs, Taoji Company, etc., compared with the welfare of Taiwan Railway employees, the gap is more than 10,000 yuan. It is hoped that the gap can be narrowed after corporatization. It made Taiwan Railway employees have confidence in corporatization, but these supervisors responded like puppets and puppets. They couldn’t see the purpose, and the union had to withdraw from the consultation meeting in anger.

The Taiwan Railways Trade Union emphasized that after these meetings, it can be determined that the Taiwan Railway has no decision-making power at all. The Taiwan Railway Administration continued to be in the sub-law consultation meeting, unable to put forward reasonable arguments and provide the information requested by the trade union, and it had no sincerity. The trade union also said that according to this model, the sub-law will be passed by the Ministry of Communications, and the approved version of the sub-law is the version that fails to improve the wages and benefits of Taiwan Railway employees. The company will face losses due to insufficient assets. will become a stall train. How can this be sustainable? Under the continuous loss, COST DOWN is bound to be adopted. It is impossible to buy cheap materials, good equipment and hire good employees. Driving safety is zero basis.

Taiwan Railway Labor-Management Consultation Co., Ltd.’s negotiation on the sub-law did not go well. The labor union of the Taiwan Railway Company requested a 50% salary increase, but was not approved by the Taiwan Railway, and threatened to start the Mid-Autumn Festival and other national holidays without overtime. Transport Minister Wang Cai appealed to the trade union not to talk about “no overtime”. The Taiwan Railway Trade Union responded that the Executive Director Su Zhenchang promised to protect the welfare and treatment of the employees of the Taiwan Railway; Wang Guocai claimed that he would stand with the employees and asked the Taiwan Railway to communicate with the labor union about the details of each sub-law, but the labor union was indignant. , these promises are stinky farts, and they disappear when they are finished.

In an interview on the 28th, Wang Guocai stated that if the salary increase is substantial, he will wait until the company is established to make money. level. Both employers and employees should return to a calm discussion, and suggested that the trade union should not talk about “no overtime”, which would cause anxiety among passengers. As long as the Taiwan Railway Corporation’s sub-law is in line with the company’s management and care for employees, he will support it. In this regard, the Taiwan Railway Trade Union stated on the evening of the 28th that the Legislative Yuan passed the third reading of the regulations on the establishment of the Taiwan Railway Company on May 27. Su Zhenchang promised to protect the welfare and treatment of the employees of the Taiwan Railway; Wang Guocai said that he would stand with the employees and invite Taiwan Iron communicates with the union about the details of each sub-law, but these promises are just shit that disappears after they are released.

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