“We are going to launch the best MMO of 2023”, this 100% free game will be released in a few days, but will it live up to its ambitions?

2023-07-18 18:00:00

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Competition is often fierce between MMORPGs and only a few titles manage to stand out within a community often smaller than other triple A’s.

It happens, however, that certain licenses manage to find a place among the titans. Many MMOs are released each year, each more ambitious than the next.

It is precisely this type of ambition that a well-known company in the field is selling itself on when it announces that it is releasing the best MMO of the year.

The best MMORPG of the year is coming soon for free?

If you are used to MMOs, you may know the company Kakao Games. This studio, creator from ArchAge and of Black Desert Online before its transfer, is very well known in the Korean market and is about to release a brand new, extremely ambitious game

Ares: Rise of Guardians is planned for the July 25 and is shaping up to be the next big title from Kakao Games and its boss, Lee Si Wo, explains that his employees are preparing “the best MMORPG of 2023”.

An announcement that directly puts Ares in competition with games like Final Fantasy XIV, World of Warcraft or Lost Ark. Three titans of the genre that are not likely to be shaken any time soon, but what is Ares: Rise of Guardians worth?.

An aspect futuristic, Korean-style characters and above all lots of visual effects, this new MMORPG highlights a gameplay very dynamic and the ability to move very freely. The classes seem to have access to a fairly wide range of armaments, but a point could quickly get you worry : the game will be available on both PC and mobile.

Although the PC version is announced as more refined, MMO releases on mobiles are not always super reassuring, because of the limits of gameplay on this platform. This means the number of spells will likely be limited, cutting off some of the interest for many fans.

Fans are currently quite skeptical about the networks or the comments of the various trailers, but with more two million players already pre-registered, the game could well surprise!

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