“We resolve who enters Europe” –

Migrants, Ursula von der Leyen takes a place on one of the best technique to combat traffickers within the Mediterranean. «We should respect worldwide obligations however we resolve who enters the EU and beneath what situations. And never the traffickers. Those that are right here illegally have to be repatriated. However we’d like authorized routes for protected methods to get to the EU.” This was acknowledged by the spitzenkandidat of the EPP, Ursula von der Leyen, within the debate between EP candidates.

Migrants and green ideology: the Rackete-Salis axis is born on the left

«It is vitally vital to determine rules for who we will work with. There are three standards: the primary is to be professional Europe; the second is to be pro-Ukraine, which suggests anti-Putin; the third being in favor of the rule of regulation. If we have a look at the Rassemblement Nationwide, at AfD in Germany, at Konfederacja in Poland, they might have completely different names and completely different rules, however they’ve one factor in frequent: they’re buddies of Putin and so they need to destroy our Europe. We cannot allow them to.” This was underlined by the President of the European Fee Ursula von der Leyen, re-nominated by the EPP, in the course of the debate between the Spitzenkandidaten in Brussels.

#resolve #enters #Europe #Tempo
2024-05-26 12:05:19

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