10 bodies of migrants who drowned in Panama were found

Border authorities said they are trying to channel irregular migration through a humanitarian corridor Panamanian border police have found the lifeless bodies of 10 migrants who drowned in riverside tributaries in Panama, where they had arrived from Colombia to supposedly avoid a longer route through the Darien jungle on their migratory journey to the United … Read more

Migrants, Piantedosi does not fear a new wave of landings. “What is the secret” –

Migrant arrivals “I don’t think they will increase. The message sent by the Libyan government, with whom we work very well, actually certifies only what we already know and on which we have built our partnerships with North African countries. Our migration problem is not opposed to what they are facing.” This is the crux … Read more

“Fighting human trafficking with EU-Africa cooperation” –

Giorgia Meloni, participating in the presidential session of the Trans-Mediterranean Forum on migration underway in Tripoli, spoke on the issue of irregular arrivals in Europe: “As I think is clear to everyone, for this Italian government the Mediterranean is a priority. And there can be no Mediterranean without Italy and Libya together. This is also … Read more

“We wish Meloni and Piantedosi all the worst” –

Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Piantedosi attended the Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum in Libya. An event that did not go down well with the NGO Sea-Watch International, which on X, the former Twitter, heavily attacked the Prime Minister and the Minister of the Interior: “Italian government politicians Meloni and Piantedosi are in Tripoli today to work with … Read more

Panama blocked almost 5 kilometers of crossings used by migrants in the Darien jungle

Agents have installed barbed fences (“perimeter barriers,” according to official information) at several points in the jungle near the border with Colombia | Photo: EFE At least 4.7 kilometers, where there were five crossings used by migrants in Darien, the natural border between Panama and Colombia, were “fenced off” by the Panamanian border police to … Read more