CUT-OFF NOTES 2024 | Neither engineering nor drugs: that is the profession that requires the best grade

College students who’ve accomplished the EvAU They’re now ready for his or her notes. He stress as soon as once more takes maintain of younger folks by relying on a qualification to have the ability to enter their carrera dreamed of or not, subsequently, now greater than ever, calculating the cut-off rating and evaluating it … Read more

first aid kit for the warm season

What tools should you have at home, and especially take on a hike, to a farm or country house, in order to anticipate possible problems as much as possible? The head of Mēness aptieka, located at the Gaiļezers inpatient unit of the Riga East Hospital, pharmacist Elena Bebre, will help us put together a seasonal … Read more

Cuba Internet Outage: ETECSA Restores Services After Terrestrial Fiber Optic Cut

2023-11-14 17:27:29 This morning, an unexpected cut of terrestrial fiber optics has plunged Cuba into a widespread interruption of Internet services, according to reports of the Cuban Telecommunications Company SA (ETECSA). This incident has had a significant impact on various types of network connection, affecting users throughout the country. In the official statement issued by … Read more

They closed the Viedma and Patagones Railway Bridge

2023-11-08 01:51:58 Los Temporary arrangements barely lasted 10 days, following intense rain that caused the Railway Bridge to collapse. that connects Viedma and Patagones is no longer safe for traffic. The Municipality decided to close that communication route until the corresponding arrangements are made. The community’s decision occurred this Tuesday around 9 p.m.where through a … Read more

“The agreement was not fulfilled”

2023-10-26 04:48:00 Self-convened Social Development workersThey began a cut on Route 22 on Wednesday night, at the height of Arroyito. Days ago, they had carried out a similar measure. Lorena Zarate, spokesperson for the group, told Diario RÍO NEGRO that The blockade began around 8 p.m. yesterday. «They are intermittent, every two hours they get … Read more

Unusual Cases of Penile Entrapment and the Dangers of Intentional Penis Exercises: Urgent Release Required

2023-10-24 05:24:32 Similar cases are common in the United States… In severe cases, the penis may be amputated. Entered 2023.10.24 14:24 Views 140 Entered 2023.10.24 14:24 Modified 2023.10.24 14:30 Views 140 The bizarre behavior of a foreign health trainer to increase the number of members is attracting attention. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]The bizarre behavior of a foreign health … Read more

Tragic Confession: Son Murders and Dismembers Mother in Heartbreaking Act of Revenge

2023-07-28 13:51:05 Arrested at his hotel in Zaventem before leaving for Korea, Ishmael confessed that he had killed his mother before cutting her up and throwing the various body parts into the Meuse. He felt humiliated by his mother During his hearing, he made a full confession and explained the reasons for his action. On … Read more