What are some tips to help children sleep better?

2023-05-10 07:04:24

When children sleep well, they are more awake, more focused and happier during the day. However, sleep can sometimes be hard to come by, especially when they have insomnia issues. Fortunately, there are many tricks to help children sleep better. Here are some tips on how to get there.

Choose the right mattress

Choosing the right mattress can make a big difference in the quality of your child’s sleep. If the latter wakes up often at night or complains of pain, it may be time to replace his old mattress with a brand new one. Consulting a tediber mattress review is a good alternative to help you choose the equipment that will suit it best. These models offer excellent sleeping comfort and are recommended by many professionals.

The dimensions of a mattress are also important for optimal comfort. For a child who sleeps alone, a dimension of 90×190 cm may be sufficient. It is also useful to consider the characteristics of the mattress and its thickness, as this can help reduce pressure points. It is also a way to keep the spine in a neutral position.

Create a sleep routine

A sleep routine can help children feel safe and relaxed before bedtime. This can include calming activities like reading a story or taking a warm bath. It’s important to stick with this every night, even weekends, to help regulate their body clocks.

When choosing a sleep routine, make sure it’s age-appropriate. Those who are young need more sleep than those who are a little older. Teenagers often have very different sleep schedules.

Create a comfortable sleeping environment

A comfortable sleeping environment can help children fall asleep easier and stay asleep longer. Make sure your child’s room stays cool, dark and quiet. If your child is sensitive to noise, you can use earplugs or a soothing background sound.

Sheets and blankets should also be comfortable and suitable for the season. Pillows are generally chosen taking into account the child’s age and sleeping position.

If your little one sleeps on his stomach, a flat pillow is recommended. On the other hand, if he sleeps on his back, a thicker pillow may be necessary.

Avoid screens before bedtime and encourage physical activity

Screens can disrupt sleep due to their blue light, a factor that can suppress the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. It is therefore recommended to avoid screens at least one hour before bedtime. This can include televisions, computers, tablets and cell phones. Instead, encourage your child to read a book or listen to relaxing music before bedtime.

In addition, physical activity can help children sleep better by improving the quality of their sleep. Encourage him to exercise regularly, but don’t overdo it. A family walk after dinner can be a good idea to help him relax before bed.

Establish regular sleep schedules

Establishing a sleep time limit is crucial in helping children maintain a regular schedule. This way of doing things allows him to sleep better and be more active during the day. This is because the human body has an internal clock called the circadian rhythm that regulates bodily functions, including sleep. Maintaining regular sleep schedules helps synchronize the circadian rhythm with the natural cycle of day and night.

Also, it’s important to note that every child is unique and has different sleep needs depending on their age. Toddlers need to sleep longer due to their growth and development.

Those who are in the age group between 1 and 2 years need 11 to 14 hours of sleep per day. On the other hand, for the category between 3 and 5 years old, it will take about 12 hours a day. The older ones, on the other hand, need 9 to 11 hours.

By following these simple tips, you can help your child sleep better and feel more rested during the day.

#tips #children #sleep

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