What can be cleaned with bleach and how to do it correctly

Bleach, bleach or chlorine, most likely you already know it, you have it at home and you even use it for the cleaning usual at home. However, you should know that This substance is not manufactured to clean, but to disinfectfight bacteria, microorganisms, eliminate annoying odors and whitenand being toxic and corrosive, there are certain risks associated with its incorrect use. Do you know which ones they are?

To avoid any danger and give a good application to this product, it is vital that you know it can clean with bleachwhat is not and what is the correct way to use it to get the most out of its properties and powerful disinfectant action. Pay attention!

What can be cleaned with bleach?

Bleach has a super power, and that is that it is incredibly effective at getting rid of the stink and the bacteria that generate it. Due to the fact that this wonderful product is a very competent bactericide, it is ideal for clean the bathroom, glass, tiles and ceramics. See what they are below:

The bathroom

Thanks to the properties of this product, we can apply it for the disinfection of the toilet, the sink, the shower floor, the screen and the exterior and interior of the bathtub, so you will leave the bathroom free of microorganisms and bad smells.

Kitchen countertops and appliances

you can dilute half a cup of bleach in a container with 1 liter of water and dip a cloth to moisten it with this mixture and use it to clean countertops, furniture and drawers as long as they are not made of wood. In addition, it is ideal for disinfecting the interior of electrical appliances such as the refrigerator and the microwave.

clean kitchen bleach

crystals and mirrors

With the same dilution created to clean countertops it is possible clean windows, glass and mirrorsremove stains and leave them shiny, especially the windows!

white tableware

If you have some white cups or plates and they have become dull, yellowed, or have coffee or tea stains on them, leave them to soak in a container with water and bleach for a couple of hours to whiten it again.

bleach white tableware cleaning

stained fabrics

Just as it works with dinnerware and china, it is a great alternative for wash white clothes with persistent spots —as long as the fabric allows it and is not too aggressive with the material—.

dirty joints

It is common to find dark tile joints from dirt and moisture. In these cases, a great ally for them to return to their initial tone —or as close as possible— is chlorine or bleach. You can mix it with a little detergent and rub with this mixture with the help of a hard bristle brush.

Disinfect fruits and vegetables

Yes really! It may seem strange, but with food grade alkalizing free sodium hypochlorite a good disinfection can be achieved in fruits and vegetables without risk of spoiling or contamination.

Remember that it is important wear gloves to ensure the safety of your skin, so you can avoid acquiring an unfavorable reaction after prolonged handling. Likewise, previously ventilate the area where you will use it and never mix it with hot water or other chemicals such as alcohol, vinegar or ammoniasince chloramine could be formed, running the risk of irritating the respiratory tract and the liver. In prevention is glory!

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