What happens in the body if oats are consumed at night?

Oats are considered a very healthy food that, in addition to working as a kind of metabolic regulator, helps take care of the heart and intestines, without forgetting that it is a great ally of the human body to lose weight. It is even considered a superfood and a daily resource that everyone should take to take care of their health.

In addition, oats are good for the heart, regulate weight, improve digestion and avoid constipation, explains the portal better with health.

According to data from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), This cereal, in addition to nourishing and satisfying the appetite, has both the ability to support weight loss and lower cholesterol levels.

However, some people, despite eating this cereal in the morning, may wonder what would happen if oats were eaten at night. This natural product, as it contains different properties, could be a good option for dinner.

“It is enough to eat 35 grams of oatmeal at night for your blood pressure to drop due to the increase in nitric oxide in the blood. A few tablespoons of oats also help reduce inflammation in muscles or joints and even reduce bad cholesterol in the blood.”, explains the portal Granvitawhich adds that the consumption of this cereal is recommended for patients suffering from heart problems.

Oats to clean the arteries and control cholesterol

Arteries tend to clog with substances such as cholesterol that prevent blood and oxygen from reaching different parts of the body, including the heart and brain.

Cholesterol is a waxy substance produced by the body, which is responsible for certain vital functions for its proper functioning, however, an excessive intake of ultra-processed and fat-laden foods can lead this compound to adhere to the arteries, preventing free circulation. circulation of the red liquid, since it is an impossible quantity to use.

Oatmeal is an excellent ally for patients who are in the process of losing weight, thanks to the fact that it generates a satiety effect in the person who eats it, it also regulates cholesterol levels and improves the health of the heart and arteries.

Mayo Clinic, a non-profit entity dedicated to clinical practice, education and research, also reaffirmed this information, ensuring that the soluble fiber present in this cereal decreases bad cholesterol levels in the blood, increasing the good ones. This type of compound is also present in other foods such as beans, pears, apples, Brussels sprouts, among others.

  • To lower blood cholesterol levels, Gastrolab recommends consuming oats in water. For this you will need half a cup of oat flakes that must be added to a liter of natural water along with a cinnamon stick.
  • This drink can be left to steep overnight or blended immediately. Regardless of the option that is decided to carry out, it must be strained before ingesting it and no type of sweetener must be added to it.
  • The idea is to drink this drink throughout the day. It is worth mentioning that before consuming it, it is recommended to have the approval of a health professional, in turn it is pertinent to remember that without a healthy diet and frequent physical activity, this drink will not bring any type of health benefit.

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