What helps against cough?

What helps against a cough is usually just one thing: drink a lot. Warm herbal tea or warm milk are the best medicine when the cold epidemic has set in and the cold temperatures are affecting your health. Warm liquids moisten the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat and prevent the cough from developing into a dry cough.

The more fluid the body is supplied with during the illness, the better the expectoration will work. Medicinal teas made from medicinal herbs provide the body with additional nutrients and essential oils that support the immune system in its work.

3 home remedies to help with cough

  1. Warm milk and honey: Works together with warm milk Honig not only anti-inflammatory, but also antibacterial and strengthens the immune system. To do this, heat the milk in a saucepan. Then let it cool down to a comfortable drinking temperature and add a teaspoon of honey. Add a small piece of peeled ginger for an extra portion of immune booster when you have a cold.
  2. herbal tea: Another proven home remedy for coughs is herbal teas. Different types are suitable for this. It doesn’t matter whether you use linden blossom, buckhorn, sage, thyme, aniseed, elderberry, fennel or licorice root tea. They all serve the same purpose: they work expectorant and anti-inflammatory.
  3. Zwiebelsud: Less appetizing, but all the more effective is an onion broth with rock candy. To do this, cut an onion into small cubes and boil them together with a tablespoon of candy sugar over a low heat. As soon as the onion juice has escaped, you can take the brew off the stove. Take three to four teaspoons of this per day. The onion contains a lot essential oilsdie antibacterial and anti-inflammatory works.

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