What kind of “eat little food” reduces death from “infected with covids” and other diseases?

Prof. Dr. Teerawat Hemajuta or stubborn doctor head of science center Emerging Health Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn Hospital provide information about “eat food” The less you eat, the higher the risk of death fromaddicted to covid will be reduced by stating that the foundation which leads to the principle of belief until the behavior and practice of “Quit diet” periodically or reducing food until it is time to eat approach that vegetarian comes from having a mechanism to adjust energy consumption By metabolizing glucose and glycogen until the process of creating glucose is exhausted, then change the mode to create ketones. While the ketones are produced This will increase the amount of fatty acids, including linoleic acid, in the bloodstream.

The linoleic acid itself proven in experiments reported in the journal Science in 2020 that it binds to spiny proteins. Spike of Covid is tight. This reduces the binding of the coronavirus to the human cellular receptor ACE2. The importance of this receptor is as a regulator of alteration to the mechanism of inflammatory mechanisms. or dissolved system and anti-inflammatory

In addition, the “Quit diet” It also provides long-term protection from the effects ofCOVID-infected This was explained by the increase in the protein galectin-3, regardless of whether or not it was associated with thinning. It was the result of a study called the WONDERFUL trial (Water only fasting interventional trial), which was designed to span six months and each week included a one-day water-only diet. fight germs during the acute phase of infection By helping in the system against pathogens that are the first line of defense, innate immune system through both PRR and DAMP and in the later stages. After the infection has cleared Will act in a way to calm chronic inflammation chronic inflammation in the body that results from infection or that occurs in metabolic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, heart attacks have elevated galectin-3 levels.

In addition to its role in inflammation, galectin-3 is also able to bind to many pathogens. Send a signal to the first battle system and awaken the human genes. to create proteins that directly fight the virus including suppressing the growth of germs during intermittent fasting, such as inter mittent fasing, not eating for at least 12 to 14 hours per day It has been reported that can reduce the risk of coronary heart diseaseheart diseasediabetes And in patients who practiced dieting for more than 42 years, they lived longer. and the opportunity to riskheart attackThat was greatly reduced without even having to be thin.

With such benefits This led the researchers to conduct a long-term study in Salt Lake City, Utah USA, through the INSPIRE registrant system, for the period 2013 to 2020, enrolling clinical trials NCT 02450006 and analyzing people whoCOVID-infectedBetween March 2020 and February 2021, a prospective longitudinal observational cohort assessed mortality. or having to go to the hospital and infection The study population, 5,795, were enrolled in the coronary angiography section. And are fully in the INSPIRE tracking system, along with personal data, health information, various disease risks, including heart disease and stroke tests. Of these, 1,682, or 29%, were tested for COVID between March 16. 2020 and 25 February 2021 and 1,457 were negative and 225 were positive.addicted to covid The criterion for joining the periodic fasting (or faster) group was consistent for at least 5 years, and the non-faster group had never done it. Therefore, 158 people who, despite intermittent fasting for more than five years but stopped, were not included in the risk reduction assessment. Severe symptoms and death The study cohort was not limited to a religious group who did not drink alcohol or smoke because of these variables. must be incorporated into consideration as well. along with ethnicity economic income education level Marriage conditions Employment conditions, type and intensity of exercise, and, of course, all health cost data.

The faster group comprised 35.6% of the total study group (73 of 205 patients), with a consistent practice of at least 40.4+/- 20.6 years, with the longest being 81.9 years. (co-variables) have been taken into account in detail. The average ages of the fasting and non-fasting groups were 63.1+/-14.8 and 63.7+/-15.3 years, and were approximately 35 to 40% of women. Obesity and lean body mass index were 30.4+/-8.2. and 31.5+/-7.7

In the fasting group, 89% did not drink alcohol, compared to 61.4% in the non-fasting group, both groups had similar high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and variables.healthOther, cardiac, vascular paralysis, heart attack, palpitations dementia, mental health, liver and kidney disease, and both groups found that In the fasting group, there was a history of cardiac catheterization and stenting. and less coronary artery replacement but not statistically significant.

The results of the follow-up revealed that among 205 patients whoCOVID-infectedThe faster group was hospitalized or died 11%, while the non-faster group reached 28.8%, and statistical analysis until reaching The synergistic effect of multivariable analyses is that the benefit of intermittent fasting is effective regardless of age 65 or over. no effect in preventingaddicted to covidis 14.3% vs 13%

This study is important in that The information obtained is information prior to the use of the coronavirus vaccine. Mechanisms that are useful in abstaining from food, whether IF Or drink only water for 1 in 7 days. There should be a mechanism to control and prevent infection that is not only covid. And it also has the effect of reducing or alleviating excessive inflammation. caused by infection and continual even if the infection is cleared

healthy food

In addition, the cellular system adapts to live longer by using autophagy mechanisms like hibernating frogs or cave bears in the ice season by adjusting the body to use energy economically. and drain waste completely and recycling waste to be used again

This study and the results of previous studies epidemiological from long-term follow-up including in vitro studies in animals They confirmed the same way. of the positive effect on the prevention and reduction of the risk of infectious disease severity and various chronic non-infectious or metabolic diseases and the reduction of long-term inflammation Even if the infection is calm that are the major problems that are facing the world around the world aretry covid Refraining from this type of diet It should be another important helper. without medication

Caution of periodic abstinence like this It doesn’t mean that during the meal time it will be eaten in great abundance. This may turn out to be more than what you normally eat. and during the period of not eating Must not drink any sugary drinks, soft drinks, otherwise it would be self-deception. and was ultimately unsuccessful.

Source: Prof. Dr. Teerawat Hemajuta

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