What the Messages-style Control Center could look like in iOS 17

2023-08-02 12:30:00

O iOS 17 will not have the long-awaited redesign for the Control Centerbut that doesn’t mean the dream of a revamp for this all-important part of the iPhone’s operating system is over.

O designer Parker Ortolanifor example, imagined a completely different interface for it, inspired by the changes that will come to the Messages application in the next major iOS update.

In Ortolani’s concept, the Control Center would gain a more colorful look and prioritize the list format, whose items would adapt depending on the function to be activated by users with a touch.

Options like Wi-Fi or AirPlay would gain an expansion icon to show available networks and devices, while others (like brightness and volume) would feature a horizontal slider for more precise adjustment by users.

For those who enjoy the grid format, the concept also includes the possibility of fixing some icons for quick actions at the top — space that could be used for the timer or Shazam music recognition, for example.

What did you think of the concept? Different, at the very least, is…

#Messagesstyle #Control #Center #iOS

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