WHO urges governments to take measures to protect the health of teleworkers

Photo: Europa Press

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) called on governments to take measures to protect the health of teleworkers and thus avoid the bad physical and psychological consequences of remote work.

A new technical report on healthy and safe teleworking, published by the two United Nations agencies, outlines the health benefits and risks of teleworking, as well as the changes needed to accommodate the transformation towards different forms of work through distance caused by the covid-19 pandemic.

Among the benefits, the report notes, there can be better work-life balance, opportunities for flexible work hours and physical activity, reduced traffic and commuting time, and reduced air pollution, all which can improve physical and mental health and social well-being. Telecommuting can also lead to increased productivity and reduced operating costs for many companies.

However, the report warns that without proper planning, organization and health and safety support, the impact of teleworking on the physical and mental health and social well-being of teleworkers can be significant.

Isolation, exhaustion and depression

It can lead to isolation, burnout, depression, domestic violence, musculoskeletal and other injuries, eye strain, increased use of tobacco and alcohol, prolonged sitting and screen time, and unhealthy weight gain.

The report outlines the roles to be played by governments, employers, workers and workplace health services to promote and protect health and safety during work. telecommuting.

Thus, collaboration between workers and employers is “essential” for safe teleworking, according to the WHO. “In the almost two years since the start of the pandemic, it has become abundantly clear that teleworking can just as easily bring health benefits as it can have a dire impact,” said Dr María Neira, director of the Department of Environment, Climate Change and health of the WHO.

“The path the pendulum takes depends entirely on governments, employers and workers working together and on agile occupational health services to put in place policies and practices that benefit both workers and work,” Neira warned. .

Among the measures that employers must implement, the following stand out: guarantee that workers receive the appropriate equipment to complete the tasks of the job; provide relevant information, guidelines and training to reduce the mental health and psychosocial impact of teleworking; train managers in effective risk management, remote leadership and workplace health promotion; and establish the “right to disconnect” and sufficient rest days.

Thus, according to this report, occupational health services must be trained to provide ergonomic, mental health and psychosocial support to teleworkers through the use of digital telehealth technologies.

“Telework, and in particular hybrid work, are here to stay, and will likely increase after the pandemic, as both companies and individuals experience its feasibility and benefits,” said Vera Package-Perdigão, Director of the Department of ILO Governance and Tripartism.

“As we move away from this ‘holding pattern’ to settle into a new normal, we have an opportunity to embed new policies, practices and supportive standards to ensure that millions of telecommuters have a healthy, happy, productive and decent job” , added Parcel-Perdigão.

The report offers practical recommendations for organizing telework that meet the needs of both workers and organisations. These include discussing and developing individual work plans for teleworking and clarifying priorities; clarity of deadlines and expected results; agreement on a common system to signal availability for work; and ensuring that managers and colleagues respect the system.

Finally, the WHO and the ILO insist that companies with teleworkers must develop special programs for teleworking that combine measures for work and performance management with information and communication technologies and adequate equipment, and occupational health services. for general health and ergonomic and psychosocial support.

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