Carolina Cruz revealed her exercise plan to eliminate those extra kilos that December left behind

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As usual every year end, excesses in food become common. Christmas and New Year’s dinners usually include temptations that are very difficult to resist, so there are those who decide to give themselves some freedom during those dates and take advantage of January to get back in shape.

Celebrities are not oblivious to this reality and they also ‘get their act together’ during the first month of the year to resume exercise and eliminate those extra pounds that they might have gained during the December festivities.

For example, the presenter Carolina Cruz, one of the most popular women in Colombian show business.decided to share with his more than 7.3 million followers on Instagram an exercise routine to start the day in the best way, burning calories and stimulating the different muscle groups of the body.

“Wherever, however, at whatever time hahaha. It’s a lie, it’s 5:00 am, and on vacations more to keep an eye on the fat ones, ”said Carolina Cruz in the description of her publication.

She then shared her routine to get back in shape and start the day energized, all from the comfort of home.

1. Three series of 25 jumps.

2. Three series of 25 bottoms.

3. Three sets of 12 on each side with a middle band.

4. Three series of 10 to 12 push-ups.

5. Three series of 15 on each side.

6. Three series of 10 repetitions with jump.

7. Three series of 15 on each side.

This is the video where the businesswoman shows how to execute each of the exercises:

Carolina Cruz talked regarding marriage and a new baby for this 2023; she also said how she imagines her wedding dress

The Tulueño presenter Carolina Cruz spoke on the program Get naked with Eva Rey and, following it was confirmed that he has a new love, He did not rule out reaching the altar in 2023 or a new child for this year.

His colleague, true to his style, wanted to take the interview to a more intimate level and there he asked regarding the plans of the Valle del Cauca for this new period; Cruz, who kept up with the conversation, released himself and said that there might be a marriage and gave a little hint to his ex-partner and father of his son, Lincoln Palomeque.

Rey asked her if she would be willing to get married, and there came the confession of the Día a día presenter that left more than one intrigued, as she opened the door to a final outcome in her new relationship.

“Now yes. It would look delicious. Well, since I didn’t do it anymore, right now, I say yes, let’s see what happens “, pointed out the former beauty queen. The talk continued and they went further. They talked regarding how she envisioned the event and the clothes she would wear for it.

“[Me lo imagino] A party. I imagine myself in white, like a creamy color ”, were the first details that she gave; immediately she spiced up the answer and assured that it must be a rather sensual outfit. “Super sexy, something like strapless, a short or vaporous dress,” said the presenter.

In the same talk, Eva Rey asked him if apart from marriage there might also be another pregnancy and, once more, Cruz left his followers open-mouthed and excited.

“2023 might be the year of the wedding and pregnancy,” Rey asked. “Can you imagine? OMG. I don’t rule out anything in life,” said 43-year-old Vallecaucana.

Don’t you dare to say who your new partner is?

In mid-2022 and following various rumors, the celebrity confirmed her separation from actor Lincoln Palomequewith whom he has two children and had a relationship for approximately 12 years.

Despite the fact that neither of them has spoken for sure regarding the reasons for their separation, Carolina has stressed that she has an excellent relationship with the father of her children, because they must be in constant communication.

After the confirmation of the separation on several occasions, the followers of both show business characters mentioned the possibility that there was a third person in the middle of the relationship; however, Carolina has clarified that this was not the case and that there was never a third person behind their separation.

The presenter gave an interview to the Spanish journalist Eva Rey, in the middle of her program get naked with evaand there the communicator managed to extract various information from Carolina’s personal life, among them, the fact that the presenter is currently dating someone.

The presenter clarified that for the moment she will not say her name and that she will not introduce it to her children either. Despite the fact that Carolina did not reveal the identity of the character, her followers and gossip programs have tried to rumors and investigate in order to figure out who the man Carolina is dating will be.

the entertainment program I know everything, from Channel 1, leaked a photograph in which Carolina is in the company of a man; there they assured that this might be the new love of the model.

For now, the identity of the man who currently accompanies the presenter is a mystery; However, everything seems to be going great. Well, judging by the words of Carolina Cruz, everything is going quite well between the two of them.

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