Why do we experience well-being when hugging the pillow?

You can not to sleep? Maybe what you need is to hug your pillow. Although many and many scientists say that the idea that pressing an object against our body while we sleep improves the quality of sleep is false, there are other studies that prove otherwise. Hugging at night helps reconcile sleep, because it generates the feeling of security. This hug can be directed to a family member, lover, pet or any inanimate object, such as a stuffed animal or a pillow.

“When we hug someone or something, the hormone comes out oxytocinthe “hormone of love. When he comes out we feel loved, calm, ”said Andreas Kurniawan, a specialist in mental medicine, during a live broadcast, on his Instagram account.

The expert who regularly shares with his followers aspects of the psychology of daily life, explained that sleeping in the company of a loved one promotes satisfactory feelings that, in turn, help to fall asleep more quickly.

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“But it’s not just a couple. Some people sleep with a cat or a pillow.”

In the absence of a companion or bed partner… a pillow is not so bad, since the sensation generated by pressing it against the body provides a feeling of comfort in itself.

Although it seems difficult to conceive, a hug is also considered a physical activity, one of the determining factors for the secretion of oxytocin. In this way, the blood is oxygenated and reaches the brain channels much more easily.

Therefore, as simple as this practice may seem, just by squeezing the pillow, the hormone of love appears and makes us feel better.

“Like a child hugged by his mother, when we hug a cushion, a doll. So even though it’s not a person, it can help release the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin is only released when doing physical activity, ”she continues, while hundreds and hundreds of users question her about the quality of sleep.

However, this night exercise may not have the same effects on everyone, as mental medicine dictates that this feeling of well-being, stimulated by close contact with your pillow, is best received by those who value personal connections, for what, when falling asleep, a state of vulnerability, they struggle to recreate this feeling.

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On the other hand, there are branches of psychology that suggest that people who choose to turn to the pillow for comfort have a solitary personality or harbor a certain hostility with their peers, but the generalization should never be trusted.

“I think every individual is different. You should never classify all pillow huggers as lonely souls or say they have avoidant personalities,” said clinical psychologist Stephanie Silberman.


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