Windows 11, a simple right click to kill a task

It will soon be easier to “kill” a task in Windows 11. Microsoft is working on an approach that will make the process more convenient and faster.

Currently if you want to end a recalcitrant task one of the approaches is to go through the Task Manager. There are several ways to do this, but Task Manager is the most popular option for managing processes in Windows.

Microsoft is working on a new option that should meet with success. It goes through an entry in the context menu of the taskbar. On Twitter @PhantomOfEarth reveals that future versions of Windows 11 will include an “End task” option when “right-clicking” the mouse on the icon of an application present in the taskbar.

Windows 11 – End task option in taskbar context menu

This means that it will be possible to kill a process with a single “click” of the mouse. Launching Task Manager will no longer be necessary. This advance is already available through Windows 11 build 25300. It is however hidden and requires a little manipulation to activate it. It is necessary to use the Vivetool utility using the ID 42592269.

For the moment we do not know yet if Microsoft plans to deploy this novelty for the general public. Indeed the DEV channel of the Windows Insider program is a testing ground. In some cases, new features never find their way to a “General Public” version. However, it would be surprising if the giant did not consider it because this novelty is useful and practical. Its “official” arrival in an upcoming Preview version will be a positive sign for its future. All that remains is to wait.

It will not be part of the new features of the next “Moment” update scheduled for February or March. The delay is too short considering that it has not even been activated for testers yet. Its launch is to be considered for later, perhaps next fall.

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