You are not her | Liu Zhuoxin was born in Hong Kong University and joined the Hong Kong track and field team and TVB for three years and won a bonus of 100,000 “without sleep” – Qingbao – Entertainment – China, Hong Kong and Taiwan

2024-01-13 09:36:16

You are not her | Liu Zhuoxin was born in Hong Kong University and joined the Hong Kong track and field team and entered TVB for 3 years and won a bonus of 100,000 “without sleep” – Qingbao – Entertainment – China, Hong Kong and Taiwan – D240113

You are not her | Liu Zhuoxin was born in Hong Kong University and joined the Hong Kong track and field team and TVB for three years and won a bonus of 100,000 “without sleep” – Qingbao – Entertainment – China, Hong Kong and Taiwan

The TVB drama “You Are Not Her” starring Feng Yingying and Ding Zilang has used many young actors. Among them is Liu Zhuoxin (Samlau), an artist who has not had many roles but has often appeared in different TVB programs in recent years. Her short hair is impressive profound. He plays the colleague of Ding Zilang and Zhang Yikang in the play.same E5%8A%89%E5%80%AC%E6%98%95%E6%B8%AF%E5%A4%A7%E5%87%BA%E8%BA%AB%E6%9B%BE%E5% 8A%A0%E5%85%A5%E7%94%B0%E5%BE%91%E6%B8%AF%E9%9A%8A%20%E5%85%A5%E7%84%A1%E7% B6%AB3%E5%B9%B4%E6%9B%BE%E3%80%8C%E4%B8%8D%E7%9C%A0%E4%B8%8D%E4%BC%91%E3%80% 8D%E7%8D%B210%E8%90%AC%E7%8D%8E%E9%87%91


China, Hong Kong and Taiwan





Entertainment China Hong Kong and Taiwan

Liu Zhuoxin, TV series, variety shows, Romeo and Zhu Yingtai, You are not her, Ghost Hunting TV City, actor, university, track and field, sports, athletes, Feng Yingying, Ding Zilang, DSE, KOL, TVB, Diocesan Girls’ School ,Hong Kong university

Entity words, characters, Liu Zhuoxin, entertainment, activities and programs, TV series, entertainment, activities and programs, variety shows, entity words, TV/movie/radio program titles, Romeo and Zhu Yingtai, entity words, TV/movies/radio programs name, you are not her, entity word, TV/movie/radio program name, Ghost Hunting TV City, entertainment, entertainment character occupation, actor, education, educational institution, university, sports, sports, track and field, sports, sports, sports ,Sports figures,athletes,entity words,characters,Feng Yingying,entity words,characters,Ding Zilang,entity words,examination/qualifications,DSE,entity words,industry,KOL,entity words,brand,TVB,entity words,school, Diocesan Girls’ School,entity word,school,University of Hong Kong


Liu Zhuoxin’s program Wireless Hong Kong team entertainment Ding Zilang’s opportunity, temperament, applause, bonus results, Diocesan Girls’ School of the University of Hong Kong, confusion, mid-term wishes, Yingtai Anzai’s role, Onizuka channel, literary, civil and military background, apprentice, Aimee Chan, Romeo drama champion, Qingbao information


You are not her – Liu Zhuoxin was born in Hong Kong University and once joined the Hong Kong track and field team – joined TVB for 3 years – worked hard to win 100,000 bonus

#Liu #Zhuoxin #born #Hong #Kong #University #joined #Hong #Kong #track #field #team #TVB #years #won #bonus #sleep #Qingbao #Entertainment #China #Hong #Kong #Taiwan

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