Zsolt Nagy confessed in front of the cameras: “I don’t respect myself!”

The I give my day the guest of his Monday broadcast is none other than Great Psalmwhom he invited to his show with great love and curiosity Peter Geszti. Anyone who is curious about the actor’s day can follow it all the way through the stream video. Here, for example, it was revealed during the morning that the actor is trying to build himself up with positive thinking.

Zsolt Nagy (Photo: Viasat3)

As he said, he is working hard to be able to love and accept himself. In addition to all this, he also wants to finally respect himself again.

– confessed the actor in front of the cameras, who, in addition to all these vows, also tries not to beat himself up for the mistakes he made in the past.

The shocking confession of the actor can be seen in more detail in the video below:

Follow his day too!

If you are interested in how András Sváby spends his day, follow him live at www.nlc.hu/adomanapom, and if you are interested in more, watch the VIASAT3on the evening talk show I give my day, where they talk with Péter Geszti about today’s events, and of course about many other things.

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