3 keys to defuse a concern that you can’t stop thinking about

A pending invoice to pay, a health problemand work to delivera important appointment, etc… When something worries us too much, we think about it over and over again. It’s like the stone in the shoe. They are usually thoughts that our brain associates with negative or catastrophic ideas what we perceive as uncontrollable. They have a lot to do with anticipatory anxiety that leads us to ask ourselves questions preceded by And if…? It may also be related to the mental rumination, the excessive movement of thought that prevents an idea from being released, blocking us and causing a lot of discomfort. In any case, under that pressure, our mind gets stressed. The constant worrylos negative thoughts y always expect the worst may even end up affecting our emotional and physical health when they become chronic stress. The hard to fall asleepheadaches appear, bad digestions, muscle tension and problems concentrating, for example. Hence the importance of helping our mind to find silence and calm it needs to work properly without blocking you.

3 Steps to Help Yourself with a Recurring Worry

Pick a time a day to worry about that problem. Grab a pencil and paper to write down the associated negative thoughts.

  • Become aware of the worry and activate your positive thoughts.

He says psychologist Alex Rovira that “often, in the path of our existence, slip stones in shoes whose presence is extremely uncomfortable. They damage footwear and sock, and can injure our skin. The reasonable thing to do, once the pebble has slipped in, is to stop and Free us her. But even if it seems paradoxical, sometimes we prefer to fit it between our fingers or make a corner of it somewhere in the shoe rather than stop, sit down or lean against the wall to take off our shoes and leave our annoying tenant back where she came from”. How to avoid it?

  1. Choose a time a day to worry about that problem. take paper and pencil and take inventory of negative ideas What do you associate with that concern? They will generally be catastrophic conclusions of which you have no certainty will occur. You can go through this list every day but only once. Then always do the following:
  2. Give them one smile and then activate your optimistic look, focusing on the positive. For example, if you don’t have money to pay a bill, instead of focusing on ideas like “they are going to expropriate my apartment” or “they will cut off my power”, think: “this is the opportunity to find an electric company that will allow me save more” “this problem may allow me to find wonderful people to help me.”
  • Do something concrete to solve the problem: don’t worry, get busy.

Many people need that everything is perfect to feel good and that is not possible. In life we ​​have to deal with many different situations, also with sorrows and worries. According to him psychologist Juan Carlos Arancibia“If you now have a stone in the shoe, try to remove it and if not, keep going. No one will be able to take away the step you’ve already taken.” That is, stop for a moment, put words to your concern and try transform it into occupation. That is, think about what you can do to solve that problem with concrete actions and start them up. The problem will no longer be so big because you know you are in it. And he accepts his presence. To do?

  1. talk to someone person you trust and tell him your concern. Share the problems helps us to minimize them and allows us to not feel alone to face it.
  2. Make a list of all possible solutions that you can think of to solve it. Must be realistic ideas. Then make an action plan and get to work. You will feel much less anxious. If the concern has no solution, accept uncertainty.
  • If worry obsesses you, tune it out for a while.

The full attention and mindfulness They are a very effective way of disconnect from worries for a while and let your mind frees itself from them and flows. Mental silence is key to health of our brain and there are many exercises that can help you. For example, the exercise of conscious breathing. To do?

  1. Look for a peaceful place and sit on a comfortable chair or cushion, with your back straight and your hands resting on your upper legs.
  2. Close your eyes and inhale through your nose., causing the air to go down towards the lower part of the abdomen. Let your abdomen fully expand. Then exhale through the mouth.
  3. focus on your breathing, in how the air flows into the nostrils and out of the mouth, or in how your belly rises and falls when you inhale and exhale. If your mind starts to wander, refocus on your breathing without judging yourself. Do not try to control anxious thoughts appear, watch them pass like clouds across the sky, passing and leaving. Only if you try to control them do they get stuck.
  4. dedicate 10 minutes a day to do this exercise.

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