5 things to do daily to keep your mouth healthy.. know the details

Your mouth, like other areas of the body, is a ground zero for bacteria and is an entry point into the digestive and respiratory systems. Your body’s natural defenses and healthy habits, such as daily brushing and flossing, can keep bacteria under control. the mouth Improper bacteria can multiply, leading to tooth decay and gum disease. Oral diseases can negatively affect you in many aspects of your life; Personal relationships and self-confidence can cause pain, disfigurement, anxiety, chronic inflammation, and affect eating and sleeping habits, according to the website.doctor.ndtv

Research has shown that oral disease is one of the most common diseases worldwide and is an indicator of your overall health and well-being. About half of the world’s population over the age of 30 is believed to be affected by periodontal (gum) disease, which is the root cause of tooth loss among adults. Studies have shown that people with gum disease are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease and pneumonia, and gum disease has been linked to premature birth and low birth weight..

healthy diet:

Unhealthy diets can cause tooth decay and gum disease. Reduce your sugar intake and try to avoid smoking as this can cause dry mouth, inflammation, enamel damage and stains, and put you at risk of oral cancer. Drink plenty of water..


Floss every time you eat Flossing gets to the places your toothbrush can’t reach Draws out bacteria and reduces gum disease and bad breath by removing plaque.

the tongue:

Your tongue can hold food particles. Brush or scrape it. Rinse your mouth with fluoride toothpaste to help keep your breath fresh. Avoid alcoholic mouthwashes as they can dry out and damage sensitive tissues..


Healthy drinks are just as important as healthy foods, reduce sugary drinks as they can contribute to tooth decay, stay hydrated with water as it can keep your mouth hydrated, neutralize any acidic residue and remove debris from foods and drinks.

Use the brush:

Twice daily for two to three minutes Start under the gums and move upwards Clean the inner, outer and chewing surfaces as well Avoid eating for at least 30 minutes after brushing as it can damage the enamel Discard the toothbrush after three months.

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