A new eye drops as an alternative to presbyopia surgery

20 millions. This is the number of people suffering from presbyopia in France. An American company unveils a new eye drop, capable of correcting presbyopia without surgery or wearing glasses. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized its sale in the United States.

Woman with presbyopia using eye drops

Presbyopia, a progressive visual disorder

In total, 20 million French people have presbyopia, with 700,000 new cases each year. The presbyopia is the progressive reduction of the accommodation capacity of the eye. It’s regarding his ability to focus. It usually begins between the ages of 40 and 45. Thus, near vision becomes more and more blurred and requires the wearing of glasses. Distant vision remains unchanged. Of progressive evolution, the vision changes and stabilizes around 60-65 years. It is therefore necessary to change the glasses every 2 or 3 years.

So far, the only treatment available for presbyopia was wearing glasses. Sometimes a surgery can be envisaged, in particular by the use of a laser to reshape the cornea or via the installation of a lens replacing the crystalline lens. Recently, eye drops are available in the United States, approved by the FDA.

One drop of eye drops per eye to correct presbyopia without surgery

The validation of this treatment by the FDA follows a study launched in October 2021. These were two phase 3 clinical trials which aimed to evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerance of eye drops named VUITY as a treatment for presbyopia. A total of 750,000 participants with presbyopia were divided into two groups: one receiving the treatment and the other a placebo. They had to apply a drop of liquid once a day in each eye.

The results of the study revealed that following 30 days, participants using the eye drops were able to read 3 more lines in near vision. Moreover, no severe side effects have been identified. Also, the treatment did not impair the participants’ distant vision.

An action in just 15 minutes

Thus, this eye drops is a real revolution for presbyopes! It is effective in just 15 minutes, and its effectiveness is estimated at 6 to 10 hours. Formulated from pilocarpine, molecules used to treat glaucomes, this liquid acts directly on the size of the pupil. Indeed, it adapts to the pH of the tear film and reduces the size of the pupil to improve near and intermediate vision.

This new device offers an additional possibility to presbyopes. It is positioned as a more practical alternative to treatments for presbyopia like glasses to be changed regularly and less risky than a operation surgical. Currently available in the United States, the 2.5 mL bottle costs $80, or around €71.

Alexia F., Doctor in Neurosciences


– VUITY™ (pilocarpine HCI ophthalmic solution) 1.25%, the First and Only FDA-Approved Eye Drop to Treat Age-Related Blurry Near Vision (Presbyopia), is Now Available. abbvie.com. Accessed May 10, 2022.



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