【Shadow】Go to the bottom!Local + 15,206 “100-day low” deaths + 26 cases are also the lowest in 85 days | Confluence News Network

0808 Native Case Analysis

Confluence News reporter Chen Junkai Chen Yijie Li Wencheng Wang Yuluo Liu Yuxuan Fan Gangyi/Taipei report

The Central Epidemic Command Center announced today (8) that there were 15,412 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in China, including 15,206 local cases and 206 imported cases. In addition, 26 new deaths were confirmed among the confirmed cases. The good news is that not only The number of local cases was the lowest in 100 days, and the number of deaths was the lowest in 85 days.

There were 15,206 new local cases today. According to the distribution of the number of cases in the six capitals, New Taipei City has the largest increase of 2847 cases, followed by Taichung City with 1850 new cases, Taoyuan City with 1693 new cases, Taipei City with 1500 new cases, Kaohsiung City with 1422 new cases, and Tainan City with 1422 new cases. 1147 new cases were added.

It is worth noting that local confirmed cases and deaths have hit new lows! According to the statistics of the command center, there were 15,206 new local cases today, the lowest in 100 days, following the low of 15,033 on April 30; and the death cases increased by 26, since the death of 19 on May 15. Minimum, 85 days interval.

Luo Yijun, deputy head of the medical response team of the Central Epidemic Epidemic Command Center, said that there were 45 new cases of moderate and severe cases at the same time today, including 26 new cases of moderately severe cases and 19 new cases of severe cases. There are no cases of children or teens, which is good news.

The command center said that there were 15,206 new local cases today, 7,098 males, 8,094 females, and 14 cases under investigation; the age ranged from under 5 years old to over 90 years old; the cases were distributed in New Taipei City (2,847 cases), Taichung City (1,850 cases), Taoyuan City (1,693 cases), Taipei City (1,500 cases), Kaohsiung City (1,422 cases), Tainan City (1,147 cases), Changhua County (705 cases), Hsinchu County (495 cases), Miaoli County ( 457 cases), Yunlin County (417 cases), Pingtung County (396 cases), Hsinchu City (327 cases), Yilan County (289 cases), Hualien County (288 cases), Nantou County (284 cases), Chiayi County (282 cases), Keelung City (260 cases), Chiayi City (157 cases), Taitung County (151 cases), Kinmen County (132 cases), Penghu County (104 cases), Lianjiang County (3 cases).

The command center pointed out that there were 26 new deaths from local cases today, including 12 males and 14 females, aged in their 50s to over 90s. 3 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. The date of diagnosis was between May 16 and August 6 this year, and the date of death was between June 17 and August 6.

Description of 0808 Local Moderate and Severe and Death Cases

Photo source: CNEWS data photo / reporter Chen Junkai

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