5 tips to take care of your health at Christmas and New Year | Diet | Healthy eating | Dinner | December 24 | December 31 | Salads | HEALTHY LIFESTYLE

Lack little to , a day that people celebrate with a dinner full of delicious dishes and also desserts. The variety of It is because sometimes family and friends also arrive who want to celebrate the date with them.

For this reason, diets and other customs are often forgotten; however, abusing those dishes and falling too much can seriously harm your health, especially since it is a dinner and that will prevent you from proper digestion.

For this reason, Dr. Nandy Vega, nutritionist and deputy director of MAPFRE Medical Centers, provides five recommendations for enjoying a healthy christmas and days later do not suffer the consequences of eating improperly.

Enjoy a healthy menu

This step is very important, since in this way you will avoid having a stomach ache after dinner or feeling heavy from eating more than you should. The key is to choose baked turkey or pork loin, in the case of ensaƱadas it is advisable to add forest fruits (blueberries) and antioxidants such as pecans or chopped walnuts and for dressings it is recommended to prepare them at home and that they are with natural yogurt light, mustard, balsamic vinegar or the one of your preference.

No abuses del chocolate

Hot chocolate is a drink that is not lacking at Christmas, so the specialist advises using an organic bitter chocolate with a percentage greater than 70% cocoa, since it is rich in antioxidants and provides many health benefits.

Beware of the panettone

This product is the must-have for Christmas dinners and also for gatherings with friends in December, but you must remember that a 100-gram slice of panettone has 355 Kcal, 50 grams of carbohydrates, and 15 grams of fat. Therefore, if you plan to eat several slices, it is important to start the day with a balanced diet from breakfast. The specialist advises that you avoid bread and processed carbohydrates during the day and instead eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

Don’t drink alcohol in excess

For the toast, a glass of red wine is recommended because it has a large amount of antioxidants (substances that protect cardiovascular health). The nutritionist also advises intercalating with a glass of water so that the drink does not affect you.

drink plenty of water

According to specialists, the ideal is to drink two liters a day because that amount will help you maintain a good physical, mental and emotional state. At dinner you should do it little by little, but it cannot be missing because it will help you cope with the food you are going to eat.

What time is recommended for dinner on Christmas?

In Peru it is usual for people to have dinner at midnight, just after the hug for Christmas, but according to the specialist this is not very healthy because it can cause stomach upset. According to Vega, the ideal is to have dinner between 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m., although if you want to have dinner later, remember to wait at least 3 hours for your body to digest and you can go to sleep.


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