A famous type of nuts reduces cancer risk, maintains blood sugar level and promotes healthy skin

Al-Marsad newspaper: The raw pistachio is one of the types of nuts that contain many substances beneficial to human health.

And about the benefits of raw pistachios

1- Raw pistachios contain antioxidants: Raw pistachios contain unsaturated fats and potassium, both of which act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory within the human body.

2- Rich in nutrients: Raw pistachios contain many nutrients beneficial to human health, such as: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, sugars, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, thiamine, and vitamin B6, according to “Web Medicine”.

3- Low in calories: Raw pistachios contain few calories, so people who follow diets can eat pistachios without exceeding the permissible calorie limit during the day, as 2.8 grams of raw pistachios contain 159 calories.

4- Helps maintain eye health: Raw pistachios contain many antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin, both of which are beneficial for eye health and protect it from eye diseases.

5- Useful for digestive health: Raw pistachios are one of the types of nuts that are full of fiber, as the fibers in pistachios help improve the health of the digestive system and treat constipation, and eating raw pistachios helps to raise the concentration of beneficial bacteria within the digestive system.

6- Maintain heart health: Raw pistachios contain substances that help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, and thus reduce the risk of heart disease. The antioxidants present in raw pistachios are also responsible for maintaining a healthy heart.

7- Maintaining the blood sugar level within the normal level: Raw pistachios have a low glycemic index, which means that they do not raise blood sugar to high levels when eaten.

8- Reducing the risk of colon cancer: Raw pistachios contain fiber that helps protect against colon cancer.

9- Helps absorb iron: Raw pistachios contain a high percentage of copper, so that copper helps to absorb iron significantly from the nutrients it contains.

10- Promotes skin health: Raw pistachios help moisturize the skin and treat dehydration significantly, as raw pistachios contain a high percentage of unsaturated fats.

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