A young American woman who came to study medicine in Buenos Aires disappeared

The young student from the United States Mariella Florimonte has been missing since Sunday. He would have escaped from the Ramos Mejía Hospitalin Once, where she was hospitalized on Saturday following suffering a Psychotic attack in his apartment in Buenos Aires.

The nervous breakdown broke out on Saturday morning, when threw from the hotel balcony where he was staying on viamonte street your technology devices (computer and cell phone). The building manager found her running on the 3rd floor, restrained her and notified the police.

Mariella Florimonte was doing a specialization at the UBA and spoke very good SpanishCapture

Minutes later her boyfriend, Mateo, with whom she has had a relationship since 2019, which arose at a distance prior to her arrival in the country, tried to contain her and was transferred to the Ramos Mejía Hospitalfrom the Eleventh neighborhood.

On Saturday she was admitted and was in the hospital guard”, the groom’s mother told THE NATION. “We went and nothing. We do not know what medication they gave him, they did not know how to tell us. And in the followingnoon, before my son arrived, we believe that he ran away, ”he indicated.

Born in North Carolina, Mariella was doing an exchange with the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) for a Pathology course at the Faculty of Medicine. As confirmed by Mateo’s mother, the young American handles a fluent Spanish, and ruled out that it was a kidnapping. “She was a scholar and calm, “he said, adding that there was no history of other similar pathologies.

The parents of the young woman would arrive in the country in the next few hours to join the search, which is already was alerted by the United States embassy in Argentina.

Through the social networks and flyers that began to be placed in the Faculty of Medicine, the search for Mariella went viral. The Solidarity Network of Juan Carr, was one of the organizations that shared the notice of disappearance on their networks. It is unknown if she might be with some other classmate from the university or disoriented in the streets of the city.



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