Alcohol and Safe Driving: The Truth About Eliminating Alcohol from Your System

2023-12-29 12:00:00

par lauren soukiassian

With the holiday season, alcohol is often more present in our drinks. If you take the road, you absolutely must be careful.

“One drink and then I’ll stop”, who hasn’t already said that during an evening with friends? If you are driving home, it is even recommended not to drink at all, knowing that a drink takes on average an hour and a half before disappearing from our system. We can then ask ourselves the question of whether it is possible to eliminate it more quickly. What is it really ?

Can we eliminate alcohol faster?

According to legend, drinking coffee, getting some fresh air, exercising or even drinking water will help you get rid of alcohol more quickly. There is obviously nothing further from the truth… It is not possible to speed things up. These elements can help you lessen the effects of alcohol, but not eliminate it from your blood.

Drinking water will, for example, delay the state of intoxication, but not prevent the alcohol from spreading through your body. It’s the same principle if you eat before, the effects will just be delayed.

So stay careful and remember the time limit of one and a half hours per glass. Above all, do not drive after drinking, even if you do not feel any effects.

#eliminate #alcohol #blood #faster

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