Allergies Affect Mental Health

Allergies are reactions in which the immune system releases antibodies to protect the body from allergens; situational photo. (Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Allergies are very common in modern times, according to “Medical News Today“Medical News Today reports that there are many studies that have found that allergies not only affect a person’s daily life, but can also lead to avoidance of social interactions, and even affect mental health, causing depression and anxiety.

The report pointed out that allergy is the reaction of the immune system to foreign substances, so that the immune system will release antibodies to protect the body from allergens, and the main allergens come from food and environmental factors. Common symptoms include itchy eyes, sneezing, coughing, hives, wheezing or shortness of breath, headache, etc. Some severe symptoms may include nosebleeds, gastrointestinal problems, etc. The most common treatment is the use of drugs, but it can also seriously affect the patient’s daily activities and sleep.

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Some studies also suggest that allergy-causing inflammatory substances can also affect the brain, causing depression and anxiety. Allergic reactions can also increase the secretion of stress hormones in patients with physical and mental disorders.

A survey by the British Allergy Society also found that 53% of allergy sufferers avoid social interaction, which may lead to isolation and reduced quality of life, and even 52% of allergy sufferers downplay their symptoms for fear of being treated unkindly by family, friends and workplaces. 54% of parents of children with allergies are also anxious about their children’s allergic reactions when they go out to eat. Another 2018 US study also found a significant association between seasonal allergies and mood disorders.

According to the report, experts recommend that allergy sufferers adopt an anti-inflammatory diet with a high intake of fiber, omega-3, probiotics and antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables to strengthen the immune system; avoiding the use of fragrances such as perfumes and candles may also help eliminate triggers. And encourage patients to pursue an active lifestyle, which contributes to physical and mental health.

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