AMLO begins the merger of organizations and dependencies

As part of the administrative reform, the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador start with your merge project 16 decentralized organizations and decentralized with some federal dependencies to save federal resources and not duplicate functions.

In a first step, López Obrador is preparing the publication of a presidential agreement so that in the coming days, the Mexican Youth Institute (Imjuve) becomes part of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS).

In the preliminary draft sent to the National Commission for Regulatory Improvement (Conamer), to which EL UNIVERSAL had access, the Head of the Federal Executive justifies this change by pointing out that Imjuve is closely related to the powers granted to the STPS, and that, In order to give consistency to programs and public policies for young people, “it is considered necessary to sectorize the Mexican Youth Institute to the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare.”

Also read: AMLO is going through costly public decentralization

On January 28, The Great Journal of Mexico He announced that as part of his administrative reform policy, the President is preparing a reform with which he seeks to merge 16 decentralized and decentralized bodies with federal secretariats and agencies, in addition to disappearing the Executive Secretariat of the National Anticorruption System (SNA) and saved will go to their social programs.

The federal president argues in the preliminary draft sent to Conamer that one of the programs linked to this sector is in charge of the Ministry of Labor —Youth Building the Future— and its purpose is to provide job training opportunities to the population between 18 and 29 years old who does not work and does not study at the time of requesting his incorporation and his scope is focused on including these boys in productive activities.

“Due to the nature of Imjuve’s attributions and its close relationship with the powers of the STPS, in order to give coherence to programs and public policies for young people, whose purpose and functions are linked to the scope of competence of the STPS, it is considered sectorization of the Imjuve to the STPS is necessary”, he points out.

The reform plans to merge: National Population Council (Conapo) with the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi); Mexican Commission for Aid to Refugees (Comar) with the National Migration Institute (INM); National System for the Protection of Children and Adolescents (Sipinna) to the National System for the Integral Development of the Family (DIF); Mexican Agency for International Cooperation for Development (Amexcid) with the Foreign Ministry.

Also read: Conacyt invests $16 thousand pesos in its “decentralization”

The National Commission for the Efficient Use of Energy (Conuee) with the National Commission for Nuclear Safety and Safeguards (CNSNS) to the Secretariat of Energy (Sener); National Institute of Social Economy (Inaes) with the Ministry of Welfare (Sebien); Agrifood and Fisheries Information Service (SIAP) and the National Seed Inspection and Certification Service (SNICS) with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sader).

Decentralized organizations such as the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (Conapred) to the Ministry of the Interior (Segob); National Institute for the Elderly (Inapam) and the National Council for the Development and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (Conadis) to the Ministry of Welfare.


In the initiative with draft decree by which they are reformed, they add various provisions of different legal systems in terms of organic simplification, released on January 28, it is detailed in its Fourth Transitory that the 16 public entities must determine a restructuring of the financial resources and materials of the decentralized or decentralized administrative body that is eliminated or extinguished.

“In which case they must provide the budget and mechanisms for the liquidation of the personnel in accordance with the labor legislation and pay the remaining federal public resources to the Treasury of the Federation or, where appropriate, to the Institute to Return the Stolen to the People (Indep)”.



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