An activity that rids you of depression… Required “daily minutes”

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The authors of the study said, according to the network "CNN" American": "Most of the gains are achieved when (the person) moves from resting to moving, even if it is limited".

The recommended level of Exercise at United Stateaccording to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Average 2.5 hours of activity per week, including aerobic exercise such as brisk walking and bicycling, with all major body muscles working twice in the same period.

One can shorten this period by doing high intensity aerobic exercise such as jogging for 1.25 hours per week.

Even a little helps

The study, which is a meta-analysis (combining qualitative data to reach accurate conclusions), said that adults who engaged in an activity equivalent to 1.25 hours of brisk walking per week had an 18 percent lower risk of depression, compared to those who did not exercise.

The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, examined "gamma"in details of 15 previous studies in which 190,000 people participated.

The aim of the study was to find out the amount of exercise required to reduce depression.

If a person does 2.5 hours of physical activity per week, such as brisk walking, the risk of depression is reduced by 25 percent.

The study said that the health benefits were greater when a person left the habit of sitting in front of the television to the daily movement.

However, the study confirmed that exercising in excess of the recommended levels did not bring additional benefits.

Depression is a common disease in the world, affecting hundreds of millions, and differs from the usual mood swings and fleeting emotions about the challenges of daily life.

Depression may turn into a serious health condition, especially if it recurs with moderate or severe severity, and it can lead to suicide, according to World Health Organization.


The study authors said, according to the American network, “CNN”: “Most of the gains are achieved when (the person) moves from lying down to moving, even if it is limited.”

The recommended level of Exercise at United Stateaccording to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Average 2.5 hours of activity per week, including aerobic exercise such as brisk walking and bicycling, with all major body muscles working twice in the same period.

One can shorten this period by doing high intensity aerobic exercise such as jogging for 1.25 hours per week.

Even a little helps

The study, which is a meta-analysis (combining qualitative data to reach accurate conclusions), said that adults who engaged in an activity equivalent to 1.25 hours of brisk walking per week had an 18 percent lower risk of depression, compared to those who did not exercise.

The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association “Gamma”, examined the details of 15 previous studies involving 190,000 people.

The aim of the study was to find out the amount of exercise required to reduce depression.

If a person does 2.5 hours of physical activity per week, such as brisk walking, the risk of depression is reduced by 25 percent.

The study said that the health benefits were greater when a person left the habit of sitting in front of the television to the daily movement.

However, the study confirmed that exercising in excess of the recommended levels did not bring additional benefits.

Depression is a common disease in the world, affecting hundreds of millions, and differs from the usual mood swings and fleeting emotions about the challenges of daily life.

Depression may turn into a serious health condition, especially if it recurs with moderate or severe severity, and it can lead to suicide, according to World Health Organization.

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