an event dedicated to digital identity on the rooftops of Paris

In order to discuss the future of digital identity and document processes, Adobe is organizing an event “Au[Roof]great with Acrobat”. The opportunity to discover existing solutions and future innovations thanks to the interventions of experts, and to exchange the time of an aperitif cocktail with a view of the Eiffel Tower…

The documentary processes represent a crucial issue for companies, especially in the era of dematerialization and hybrid work. Managing these processes can have a huge impact on revenue, efficiency, productivity, and brand image. However, many organizations use solutions that are unsuited to the specificities of their activities…

Cet digital identity event will be an opportunity to learn more regarding this booming technological field. Through three presentations, you will also be able to discover concrete solutions to optimize your company’s document experiences.

Adobe Document Cloud: Optimize your digital document processes in the age of hybrid working

The first intervention will be devoted to Adobe Document Cloud: the cloud storage service for PDF files. Thanks to Thierry Blanc, Senior Solutions Consultant d’Acrobat Signyou will be able discover unsuspected possibilitiess offered by this solution for your business.

This cloud service can in particular facilitate hybrid working and collaboration with customers, partners and suppliers. It also allows you to implement fluid digital document processes, integrated with the tools and solutions already used within your organization.

Discover the landscape of digital identity and its future transformations

The rest of the program is dedicated to the vast landscape of digital identity, and its development prospects for 2022 and for the future. At a time when digital technology is transforming all sectors, this theme will become increasingly important over the next few years…

During this second intervention, Jérôme Bordier, Associate Director, SEALWeb & Secretary General of ClubPSCo, will provide an overview of the current state of the regulatory framework for digital identity in Europe. It will also present the best practices for operational deployment, the main solutions available and the interest of digital identity “hubs”.

This expert will also detail how digital identity facilitates the production of advanced electronic signatures. Finally, he will present the prospects for regulatory changes with eIDASv2 and the “wallet” principle, as well as new emerging associated services such as identity attributes, attestations and electronic registers.

Get started with the Digital Identity Gateway

Finally, the third intervention is an introduction to Digital Identity Gateway : a true digital identity portal developed by Adobe. This solution allows companies to choose from many pre-configured third-party digital identity providers, and to select the type of identity verification corresponding to their needs: biometricsdocument confirmation, video verification…

A demonstration will be presented by Fidèle El khoury, Solutions Consultant at Adobe. You’ll learn regarding the experiences of the sender when creating a new agreement and choosing an identity provider, and the recipient receiving the agreement and only accessing it following verifying their identity. .

Discuss with digital identity experts over a cocktail

After these three enriching interventions, the event will be punctuated from 7 p.m. by an aperitif cocktail on the rooftop (covered) of the Adobe premises with a view of the Eiffel Tower. The opportunity to share a moment of conviviality while contemplating the Iron Lady, and to exchange with professionals on the optimization of documentary processes within your company!

This followingwork will take place at Adobe’s premises located at 96 rue Lauriston in Paris 16, October 4, 2022 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.. Register now to not miss this event!



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