Avignon: “non-certified” hospital, management issues appeal

2024-02-24 10:31:55

The initial announcement of the verdict had the effect of a shock, for the management and all the staff. The Henri Duffaut hospital center is “non-certified”, the lowest of the four possible evaluations. The High Health Authority published on February 14 the detailed report of its opinion, given on January 10. However, director Pierre Pinzelli is satisfied with the work of his staff. “The efforts are being made. The overall score is reassuring: 90.33/100”. The non-certification, he explains, was based on an insufficient score: 75/100 for a required minimum of 80/100. It is attributed to the creation and use of the “Patient Safety” checklist. According to the HAS report, “patient safety in the operating room is not sufficiently monitored […]in the absence of indicators for monitoring the implementation of the checklists.

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