Beware .. 6 foods that cause premature aging and make you look older

Al-Marsad newspaper: Many people fear the signs of aging, which causes them to panic and worry, but there are some foods and drinks that protect against the chances of aging when avoiding them..

According to the website, “Webmdthe The most prominent foods that cause aging and that it is preferable to avoid

spicy foods

Many people get used to eating spicy foods, but excessive intake causes blood vessels to swell and break, which leads to the appearance of some signs on the face, high body temperature, sweating, and feeling cold, and therefore when sweat mixes with bacteria on the skin, it is possible The appearance of spots and signs of aging


Most types of ghee contain a large amount of trans fats, thus causing high levels of bad cholesterol and lowering the good, which causes inflammation in the body and increases the chances of heart disease, stroke and signs of aging..

Soft drinks

Studies have shown that the more soft drinks and energy drinks you drink, the faster your cells will age, in addition to extra calories and sugar that cause tooth enamel erosion and cavities, as well as weight gain and ease of stroke and dementia.

Processed meat

Processed meat usually contains a large amount of sodium and chemical preservatives, which often cause inflammation and erosion of the body inside and out, so you should limit its intake to control the overall appearance and avoid aging and the chances of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

fried foods

Many people resort to eating fried foods because they taste good, but they contain a large amount of free radicals and the appearance of signs of aging early, in addition to infection with some diseases, especially when eating them regularly..

baked goods

Baked goods such as biscuits and cakes are known to contain a large amount of fats that cause clogged arteries, diabetes, high blood pressure, tooth decay and some types of cancer, which necessitates avoiding them..

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