Black Friday should break all its records

2023-11-14 05:12:57

Criticized by many as a real ecological disaster (the most popular products are in fact the most polluting, such as fashion (68%), electronics or household appliances (66%), beauty (44%) and food (35%), according to a survey BVA), this American holiday, -incidentally, first shot of the feature film A difficult year by Olivier Nacache and Éric Tolédano, which shows an association of ecologists blocking the doors of a department store to prevent the crowd of consumers from entering, which appeared in the 1950s in UNITED STATES before arriving in France just ten years ago under the leadership ofAmazonshould still break all its records in our country at the end of the month.

Young people are the most addicted

According to the latest study from the e-commerce solution platform Shopify74% of French people are inclined to take advantage of Black Friday a you Cyber Monday to do their end-of-year shopping. Their average spending during these two days of monster sales should reach 182 euros in 2023 compared to 160 euros twelve months earlier. The youngest are the ones who plan to spend the most money. 18-24 year olds thus granted themselves a budget of 238 euros on average, more than 25-34 year olds (232 euros) and 35-44 year olds (199 euros). Those over 65 promise to be the most economical (121 euros), just like women (156 euros compared to 204 euros for men). If they plan to spend more and more, consumers promise to buy better.

Long live sustainability

75% of people surveyed by Shopify indeed say they want to make more modest purchases than in the past. Sustainability will also weigh heavily in 2023. 79% of respondents say they are looking for better quality products and 75% will favor items with a longer lifespan.

Social shopping will continue to develop. A quarter of French people say they are ready to buy products directly on YouTube (31% worldwide), 26% on Instagram (33% worldwide), 22% on Facebook (31% worldwide) and 19% on TikTok (28% worldwide). Among 18-24 year olds, the desire to purchase TikTok increased by 142% in one year, by 107% for Instagram and 60% for YouTube. In France78% of retailers said their sales this year on social media had increased or remained stable compared to last year.

Be careful, you have to know how to keep

If our fellow citizens promise to consume better, the recent past pushes us to be cautious. In 2022, the products offered during Black Friday et Cyber Monday which recorded the strongest growth were mini speakers (+28.8%), photo lenses (+26.3%), soundbars (+25.2%), styling devices (17. 5%) and fryers (+16.8%), i.e. rather polluting items imported from distant countries, according to a study by GfK. French spending last year was, however, slightly lower than that recorded twelve months earlier (802 million euros, -1.9%). And for good reason: the percentage of our compatriots opposed to these two days of discounts has doubled in five years, to reach 38% of the population, according to The Society & Consumption Observatory (ObSoCo). If a growing number of individuals seem to criticize this operation, the recent rise in inflation is pushing more and more households to look for good deals to make ends meet and, if possible, treat themselves to a few small pleasures. Do as I say but don’t do as I do. This expression will take on its full meaning on November 24 and 27…

#Black #Friday #break #records



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