Brain degeneration|Long-term fatigue and depressionExperts disassemble the truth | Headline Daily

Brain degeneration|Long-term fatigue and depressionExperts unravel the truth

Do you often think that you are tired, don’t want to get out of bed, and lack the energy to work? Being chronically fatigued can reduce your motivation to work and socialize. Fatigue not only impairs physical function, but also negatively affects cognitive ability and emotional control.

In fact, chronic fatigue has the potential to seriously impair our behavioral cognitive ability and mental state, and now it will be revealed one by one, how tiredness affects our physical and mental health.

90% of patients with severe depression often feel tired

In terms of depression, studies have shown that more than 90% of patients with severe depression often feel tired, and feeling tired for a long time will also increase the risk of depression. It is not difficult to find that depression and fatigue have related symptoms, such as difficulty concentrating, slow thinking speed, memory loss, irritability, decreased work efficiency and so on.

Linked to Anxiety Disorders

In terms of anxiety disorders, clinical psychologists point out that anxiety, panic attack (the sudden onset of intense fear without real danger, thus causing a strong physical reaction) and fatigue are also closely related. Associated symptoms include rapid heartbeat and breathing, tense muscles, and immediate exhaustion after a panic attack calms down.

In terms of stress, it is well known that when we are under chronic stress and lingering, we are more likely to feel tired and depressed.

increased risk of dementia

Fatigue greatly increases the risk of developing dementia. If you often feel extremely tired during the day, harmful changes in the brain will cause the hippocampus in the brain (this area associated with learning and memory) to shrink, increasing the risk of dementia. risk.

When it comes to alcohol, many people mistakenly believe that alcohol can increase sleepiness. It is true that alcohol can make people drowsy at first, but after a few hours, it will have the opposite effect, such as making it difficult to fall asleep, and even increase the need to urinate at night, so long-term alcohol intake seriously affects sleep quality.

Today we learned about the relationship between depression, anxiety, stress, cognitive impairment, alcohol and fatigue. If you find that you have the above conditions or are often tired, you should deal with them as soon as possible.

Written by: Psychologist Dr. Liu Yingjian

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Gayon in the same field: Overwork makes you prone to brain fog

Peng Zixin, a registered Chinese medicine practitionerfacebook pageThe article pointed out that in addition to new coronary pneumonia, overwork can also cause “brain fog”, followed by headaches, dizziness and other conditions.

8 Common Symptoms of Brain Fog

Brain fog generally refers to the following 8 common symptoms related to mental and thinking abilities:

6 major causes of brain fog

Dr. Peng continued that COVID-19 is only one of the causes of brain fog, and there are the following 6 common causes:

Improving Brain Fog Diet

Physician Peng Zixin recommends a refreshing soup that can help relieve brain fog symptoms and relieve fatigue. The efficacy, ingredients and consumption taboos are as follows:

Gayon in the same field: 8 foods to eliminate fatigue

Taiwan nutritionist Yu Zhuqing in hisfacebook pageRecommend the following 8 foods that can help relieve fatigue:

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