Breaking News: Police Lift Body of Alias Madrid, Leader of Ecuadorian Criminal Gang Los Lobos, Shot in Northern Quito (X/SOS Prisons)

2023-09-25 16:49:36
The Police lift the body of Alias ​​Madrid, shot in the north of Quito. (X/SOS Prisons)

Santiago Leonel Madrid Guerra, alias Madrid, was walking through a residential area in northern Quito when he was shot by hitmen. The man, who was serving a sentence for murder and who had regained his freedom thanks to a judicial maneuver, was one of the leaders of Los Lobos, the Ecuadorian criminal gang that has managed to spread across a large part of the territory and take control of several prisons in the country. country.

The Minister of the Interior, Juan Zapata, confirmed to Primicias that alias Madrid was murdered. Although the death occurred on Saturday followingnoon, as of noon on September 25, the Police have not issued details regarding the murder of the ringleader.

Alias ​​Madrid, 31 years old, was serving a sentence for murder in the Latacunga prison, 100 kilometers south of Quito. He had been imprisoned there since 2015. Although he should have been imprisoned for 12 years, he managed to leave the prison following eight years.

Alias ​​Madrid left prison a year ago. He was serving a sentence for murder.

In the Latacunga prison, alias Madrid was one of those in charge of bringing weapons and drugs into the prison. According to Primicias, the ringleader “was also the custodian of Leandro Norero Tigua, better known as ‘Patrón’, one of the most important drug traffickers in Ecuador who would die in the 2022 massacres.”

The citizen platform SOS Cárceles, published on its , along with Norero, made under-the-table agreements with Fito and JR (leaders of Los Choneros), when they led the CPL Cotopaxi (Latacunga prison), and betrayed Los Lobos, more than a year ago. Reprisals are expected from their new allies: Los Choneros and Fatales.”

According to the Police, Los Lobos dispute with Los Choneros the control of the routes through which drug trafficking sends drugs, especially cocaine, to the United States and European countries.

According to a recent study by the Police, the trilogy operates in Ecuador: Lobos, Tiguerones and Chone Killers. These gangs joined forces and began to provide transnational organized groups with a logistical service for drug trafficking: collection, security and delivery of the drugs. This alliance, explains the Police, had the financing of Leandro Norero. The criminal alliance “has the largest criminal deployment at the national level.” This would be because Los Choneros lost their hegemony and their rivals occupied more territory.

Los Lobos and Los Tiguerones are cells apparently sponsored by the CJNG in Ecuador. (Photo: Twitter/@aisdmx)

A report by Insight Crime states that “Fito is hiding in the Guayaquil penitentiary, fearing for his life. In the last two years, the Wolves have gained more territory inside and outside of prisons. In addition to drug trafficking, they have ventured into illegal mining in different provinces. They have displaced the Choneros and have hegemony,” according to what Ecuadorian journalist Arturo Torres, who specializes in security, told the platform.

The Ecuadorian Organized Crime Observatory published this week a study on the characterization of organized crime in the country. This includes an x-ray of criminal gangs. According to the observatory, Los Lobos are led by Wilmer Chavarría (Pipo). Alias ​​Pipo is presumed dead by the Police. However, the details regarding his death are not clear and raise doubts regarding whether it really happened. There are even two theories as to how he died: the first claims that alias Pipo was murdered in a prison massacre. The second attributes the murder to the rival gang Los Choneros.

Los Lobos are a network-type organization with subcommands in the territory. They are dedicated to drug trafficking, illegal mining, arms trafficking, extortion and contract killings. Among his alliances with international mafias, his links with the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (Mexico), the Balkan networks (Europe) and the Border Command (Colombia) stand out. In addition, the area of ​​operation of Los Lobos includes the provinces of Sucumbíos, Pastaza, Zamora Chinchipe, Azuay, Napo, Carchi, Imbabura, Pichincha, Cotopaxi, Chimborazo, Santo Domingo, Los Ríos, Guayas, El Oro, Loja and Cañar. That is, 16 of the 24 provinces in Ecuador, according to the Observatory.

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