Can frying oil be used more than once? .. A veterinarian answers

Dr. Sally El-Fiqi, head of the Guidance Department in the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine In Gharbia Governorate, there are noticeable signs that indicate whether the oil is usable or not, and these signs include:

1- The foam that appears on the surface of the oil

2- Abnormal smell, as the nose can easily identify the rancid oil

3- The dark color is a great indication that the oil is not usable and must be disposed of immediately

She explained, for the seventh day, the need not to consume the old oil that was used more than 2 to 3 times, for several reasons, including:

1- Because it forms free radicals and molecules that increase the risk of cancer.

2- Because it loses its nutritional value, as a result of its exposure to some chemical reactions that lead to its decomposition.

3- It increases the risk of heart disease, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s, and some liver and stomach diseases.

4- Food poisoning: because it becomes a fertile environment for harmful bacteria, which feed on leftover fried food.

She added, “You can reuse most oils as long as they are stored properly, by:

1- Once the oil has cooled enough to handle, it is filtered to remove food particles and stored in a clean glass jar.

2- Never mix it with unused oil.

3- Close the jar tightly, write the date on it, and refrigerate or freeze it for no more than a month.

4- It may become turbid in the refrigerator or freezer, but will become clear at room temperature.

5- Never reuse the oil if it is desired or changed color during heating, or if it has a strange smell or smell such as food that has been cooked.

6- Do not cover the oil pan during frying so that the water vapor does not condense on the oil and impede the moisture out, which increases the degree of oil decomposition.

7- When the frying is finished, turn off the fire from the oil to avoid its high temperature and then burning.

8- Avoid using an iron or copper frying pan because these metals speed up the process of oil spoilage.



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