Celebrity Haydée Ramírez’s Inspiring Journey with Multiple Sclerosis: Watch Her Story Now

2024-01-13 22:13:57

Haydée Ramírez, who previously spoke regarding the death of her son, revealed how she coped with the period of her life in which she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in the middle of her acting career.

Video of Haydée Ramírez, from Parents and Children, regarding her multiple sclerosis

The 61-year-old woman from Valle del Cauca recounted in ‘Network’ the way in which she faced these health difficulties due to the aforementioned problem that affected her during her recordings.

What is multiple sclerosis?

This is a chronic disease of the central nervous system (CNS), which includes the brain and spinal cord. It is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks and damages myelin, a substance that covers nerve fibers. Myelin acts as an insulator, allowing nerve impulses to transmit quickly and efficiently.

Myelin loss can cause a wide variety of symptoms and affect various functions in the body. The exact cause of multiple sclerosis is not yet fully understood, but it is believed to be the result of a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

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What did Haydée Ramírez say regarding multiple sclerosis and what happened to her?

The actress began to feel strange during the recordings of ‘Fathers and Children’, although at that time she still did not know what was happening to her body.

“I mightn’t speak. My short term memory was zero. I remember on the set they told me: ‘No, you can say that entire speech,’ because I didn’t remember it,” she said.

Ramírez acknowledged that he had the support of his partner Luis Fernando Motoa, who told him the words, but even in that way he might not solve the situation.

“It was not possible to repeat it once more and when I went to repeat it it did not come out fluently but rather it was like speaking in slow motion. It was very strange,” said the woman who played Gabriela in the aforementioned series.

She assumed that everything corresponded to a problem in her vision, so she went to specialists who led her to find the harsh answer regarding her health.

“I first went to the ophthalmologist, he referred me to the neurologist and the neurologist did deep eye exams on me, he did a number of tests that led to that diagnosis. I had no idea what multiple sclerosis was, I started to read and find out and as I read and learned, the scare really got worse. Then he asked me to treat myself seriously and they sent me a medication that at that time was called interferon,” he recalled.

Multiple sclerosis can permanently disable a human being and is usually degenerative, but the ‘Fathers and Children’ actress took decisive action.

“I decided first that I was not going to live because I was sick and, second, that I was going to stop everything that had to do with consuming aspartame. Then I decided that she was not going to take interferon and that’s how the crisis that lasted regarding a month happened,” she said.

Ramírez stated that his determination and positive attitude towards his medical reality helped his symptoms disappear months later, something he was certain of with the specialists.

“To our great surprise we saw that the injury had healed. So let’s say it was an episode that I handled and lived it that way. My doctor at that time told me that he did not compare the two CT scans and told me: ‘The lesion disappeared,’” she said.

The actress pointed to a very healthy lifestyle, focused on natural nutrition, as the tool that gave her strength at that moment: “In my case, it starts from accepting life as it is and how I respond to life.” and not the other way around,” he concluded, while pointing out that he does not wonder why things happen to him but for what.

Read all the entertainment news today here.

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