Debunking Myths About Dates and Insulin – Insights from Dr. Ammar Al-Ammar

2023-06-04 05:28:48

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Dr. Ammar Al-Ammar commented on the question, “Does eating dates raise insulin?”

Al-Ammar said, in a video clip: “Eating dates does not raise blood sugar for some who do not have insulin resistance.”

He added: “Dates have a high sugar content and contain fibers to cut down the absorption of blood sugar, and it differs from one person to another.”

And he continued: Just stay away from sugar; But fruit contains sugar, minerals, vitamins, amino acids and fiber.

And he concluded: “If you did not mix processed carbohydrates with refined fats to form triglycerides inside the cells, then blood sugar would not rise if you ate dates.”

#doctor #answers #AlMarsad #Newspaper

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