Do not be afraid to eat it.. the 10 best fruits that can be adopted during the diet

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At a time when weight loss has become a goal that many people strive to achieve, a number of these people avoid eating the fruit They think that they are high in calories and contribute to the failure of their diet.

But is this belief correct? Do fruits cause weight gain or are there some types? Low calorie fruits Can it be eaten during the diet?

Professor of Nutrition at the Lebanese American University, Dr. Nadine Zeeny, says in an interview with the website "Sky News Arabia"Fruit is a great and useful alternative to sweets that are full of calories, in addition to the benefit it gives during the diet because it contains important nutrients such as: vitamins Water, minerals and fibers that give a feeling of satiety.

According to Zaani, people who follow a diet can eat a light snack of fruits between meals that contains only about 60 calories, where they can choose between eating, a portion of the strawberry By a cup and a quarter, or a portion of watermelon By a cup and a quarter, or a portion of grapes Only 15 tablets, or a serving of cantaloupe As much as a 240ml cup, or a serving of apricot By 4 beads.

Zaani called for the need to focus on eating fruits and not fruit juice, because juice contains less fiber and gives a feeling of less satiety, noting that each body deals with the diet differently from the other.

For her part, dietician Stephanie Badour says in an interview with "Sky News Arabia": The human body needs healthy diet It relies on many elements in order to be able to achieve a balance. At the heart of this system is the reliance on fruits, stressing not to be afraid of eating fruits during the diet.

Badur believes that all fruits are important and can be included in the diet, but there are fruits that can be focused on because they have less sugar and calories than others, such as a pill kiwi medium, apple small, bead grapefruit، pear middle volume, an orange one.

The nutritionist pointed out that each portion of the mentioned fruits contains only about 60 calories, which is an excellent percentage for those who follow a diet, stressing the need to diversify the consumption of fruits and not focus only on one option.

Badur called for eating fruits on a daily basis if possible, as they give the individual a more balanced lifestyle, and also raise immunity by doing vitamins and minerals It contains, noting that the key to the success of any diet is to adopt healthy habits in terms of diet.


At a time when weight loss has become a goal that many people strive to achieve, a number of these people avoid eating the fruit They think that they are high in calories and contribute to the failure of their diet.

But is this belief correct? Do fruits cause weight gain or are there some types? Low calorie fruits Can it be eaten during the diet?

Dr. Nadine Zeeny, professor of nutrition at the Lebanese American University, said in an interview with “Sky News Arabia”: The fruit is a wonderful and useful alternative to sweets that are full of calories, in addition to the benefit it gives during the diet because it contains important nutrients such as vitamins Water, minerals and fibers that give a feeling of satiety.

According to Zaani, people who follow a diet can eat a light snack of fruits between meals that contains only about 60 calories, where they can choose between eating, a portion of the strawberry By a cup and a quarter, or a portion of watermelon By a cup and a quarter, or a portion of grapes Only 15 tablets, or a serving of cantaloupe As much as a 240ml cup, or a serving of apricot By 4 beads.

Zaani called for the need to focus on eating fruits and not fruit juice, because juice contains less fiber and gives a feeling of less satiety, noting that each body deals with the diet differently from the other.

For her part, nutritionist Stephanie Badour said in an interview with “Sky News Arabia”: The human body needs healthy diet It relies on many elements in order to be able to achieve a balance. At the heart of this system is the reliance on fruits, stressing not to be afraid of eating fruits during the diet.

Badur believes that all fruits are important and can be included in the diet, but there are fruits that can be focused on because they have less sugar and calories than others, such as a pill kiwi medium, apple small, bead grapefruit، pear middle volume, an orange one.

The nutritionist pointed out that each portion of the mentioned fruits contains only about 60 calories, which is an excellent percentage for those who follow a diet, stressing the need to diversify the consumption of fruits and not focus only on one option.

Badur called for eating fruits on a daily basis, if possible, as they give the individual a more balanced lifestyle, and also raise immunity by doing vitamins and minerals It contains, noting that the key to the success of any diet is to adopt healthy habits in terms of diet.

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