Doctor: 4 symptoms that indicate bladder cancer

An average of 75,000 people are diagnosed with bladder cancer each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
When detected in the early stages, bladder cancer can be successfully treated. Adopting healthy habits such as quitting smoking, avoiding certain chemicals such as arsenic, and knowing the signs and symptoms can significantly reduce risks, according to Dr. “eat this not that” the medical specialist.
Dr. El-Dafrawi says, “Bladder cancer can be divided into two distinct types: the first is superficial bladder cancer and the second is muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Superficial bladder cancer is less aggressive and is usually treated endoscopically, which means a camera is used through the urethra. It tends to return and requires lifelong follow-up. The muscle-invasive type is an indication of the place where the cancer grows deeper in the bladder wall to extend into the muscle layer of the bladder. This species is very aggressive and deadly. Bladder removal is the standard of care with or without preoperative chemotherapy.”
And the symptoms that indicate bladder cancer, Dr. El-Dafrawi number 4 are:

1- blood in the urine
Dr. El-Dafrawi explains a sign that can indicate bladder cancer is “seeing blood in the urine, even if it only happened once and it has completely resolved. Bleeding occurs because bladder cancer is highly vascular and like most cancers it is able to generate blood vessels to keep the blood high. The more blood vessels there are, the greater the risk of bleeding.”

2- Presence of red blood cells in urine analysis
“If your annual urinalysis by your PCP shows microscopic red blood cells in your urine, and you don’t see blood in your urine, that could be a sign,” Dr. Eldafrawi tells us. Usually, microscopic blood in the urine is the first sign of cancer, due to the higher blood vessels of the tumor compared to normal tissue.”

3- Change in urine habits
According to Dr. El-Dafrawi, “A sudden change in the symptoms or pattern of persistent urination, such as increased frequency or flow of urine, can indicate the bladder…Some common signs of bladder cancer often affect urination itself. These symptoms can include frequent urination, pain during urination, difficulty urinating or feeling the need to urinate right away when your bladder is not full. Additionally, patients may notice a change in urine flow. A mass growing in the bladder can lead to symptoms such as obstruction of urine flow (if the tumor is near the bladder outlet) or frequency and urgency.”

4 – loss of appetite
Loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, weakness and unilateral lower back pain “are signs of bladder cancer,” says Dr. Eldafrawi; He explains, “These can be symptoms of advanced bladder cancer. If you have these symptoms, especially a combination of these symptoms, it is important to see your primary care provider for evaluation.”

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