Doctor’s page has been cleared. How do you count the days of detention? For those who are sick with Covid, using Home Isolation

facebook page The story of the frontier doctor The post states that…

Doctor, I’m going to go to work. The rat is gone
Wait!! How many days can I detect covid?
It’s been 5 days
And how do you know it’s not infected?
I can’t check ATK. I can’t find it anymore. All the germs are gone..

Patient, we count the days of detection, whether it is a PCR or ATK test, as being sick on the 1st day. Continue counting until the 10th day is the day that we have to isolate ourselves from people who are not infected. You don’t have to repeat the test in 10 days because it’s detected or you need to be quarantined anyway.

For example, if there are 5 viruses, PCR is detected, but ATK is not detected, it may take 15-20 to be detected, etc. That is, if the virus is low, ATK is undetected and becomes false negative. We have to be very careful in interpreting the results.

Most of the home isolation patients had mild symptoms. A complete 10-day quarantine is an extremely personal discipline. Of course, some people have to sneak out of quarantine to live independently. Go to the market, go to the mall. People in the community must wear a mask, wash their hands, and keep distance to reduce the spread of infection. Please help monitor those who are infected and those at risk.



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