Don’t smoke.. 10 symptoms of stomach cancer, most notably yellowing of the skin and loss of appetite

Written by Mervat Rashad

Wednesday, 08 March 2023 10:00 PM

Millions suffer from tummy troubles like bloating, but when symptoms persist on a regular basis, they should not be ignored. While cases of stomach cancer are declining, while cancer sometimes occurs randomly, there are also some steps you can take to reduce risk of stomach cancer In the future, these include avoiding smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, and limiting excessively processed, salty or smoked foods. Here’s everything you need to know about stomach cancer, according to what was published by the site ” eatthis“.

Symptoms of stomach cancer

Stomach cancer is difficult to recognize, because early forms of the disease do not usually cause many unusual symptoms. Another factor that makes it difficult to detect stomach cancer early is that routine stomach cancer screenings are difficult.

Symptoms of stomach cancer include:

lack of appetite

Unexpected weight loss

tummy (or abdominal) pain

Feeling full after eating a small amount of food

Heartburn or indigestion

Sometimes nausea and vomiting with blood

Swelling or fluid buildup in the abdomen

blood in the stool

Anemia, which makes an individual feel tired or weak

Jaundice, which is a yellowing of the skin and eyes, and appears when cancer has spread to the liver

It is important to seek a proper medical diagnosis if you are developing symptoms at the bottom of this list, as many of them can indicate other health problems. “.

How does smoking and diet increase the risk of stomach cancer?

Researchers have found that a regular diet of foods high in salt can lead to an increased incidence of stomach cancer. Doctors recommend avoiding eating too much, especially foods that have been preserved through drying, smoking, salting, and pickling, or that are high in added salts, as is the case with many other forms of cancer, smoking is a major risk factor for stomach cancer too, most tobacco products contain a group of carcinogens that spread not only to the lungs but throughout the esophagus and into the upper parts of the stomach, the latest research indicates that individuals who smoke are Twice as likely to develop stomach cancer as those who do not smoke.

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