Egypt .. The crisis of assaulting doctors returns to the fore after a horrific incident

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The new attack took place once morest a cardiologist at Benha University, El-Sayed El-Darky, who told Sky News Arabia that the incident occurred at dawn on Thursday when he received a call from his neighbor in the city of Nabarwa, affiliated to Mansoura, seeking help to save his wife, who is detained in intensive care at Nabarwa General Hospital.

The doctor added that, in appreciation of his neighbor and his condition, he went with him to Nabarwa General Hospital and asked the doctors there to examine her. It turned out that she had a clot in the coronary artery two days ago and that part of the heart muscle was completely damaged, so he asked to transfer the patient to Glory Center specialized in heart operations in Mansoura for catheterization and cardiac resuscitation her pulmonary.

He added that the patient’s heart did not respond and she died of a heart attack, and when he went out to tell the patient’s family, he was surprised by her young sons and her father-in-law assaulting him with knives, causing him to suffer cut wounds in separate areas of the body that required him to undergo urgent medical intervention and 68 stitches.

He pointed out that the husband sick He was not attacked, but his father and his two sons were the ones who assaulted him, and they all went to the prosecution and were liberated record.

The doctor confirmed that he was forced to give up the report under the threat of the family of the patient who died because they threatened him to burn down his house and kill his two doctors as well, and he and his family now left their homes and went to stay on behalf of their relatives in Mansoura.

The doctor explained that he is currently 62 years old and has performed more than 6 thousand surgeries HeartAnd he supervised thousands of doctoral theses, and provided that patient with the utmost care and stipulated them MedicineHowever, he was surprised by her family attacking him and writing a report once morest him for causing her death.

For his part, the head of the Egyptian Doctors Syndicate, Hussein Khairy, said in statements to Sky News Arabia that this incident confirms what the union has repeatedly and over the years demanded of the need for state intervention to protect medical staff, and deter any aggressor once morest them.

He explained that the first means of deterrence is to modify the classification of assault on medical staff from a mere quarrel in which a report is written before a record and the truth is lost, to considering it an attack on a public official while performing his work and to intensify the punishment and not allow the aggressor to bargain and threaten the doctor, as happened with the case of a doctor Mansoura.

He pointed out that a delegation from the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Medical Syndicate visited the assaulted doctor to discuss ways to protect him and his family from the threats they are exposed to, as well as discuss how to support him to restore his right and reopen the file of the assault on him, which he gave up under threat and fear for his children.

Meanwhile, director of Glory Heart Center in Mansoura, Hesham El-Shazly, the center that witnessed the attack, said that the center’s management issued a criminal and civil report once morest the aggressors because they attacked a medical facility and terrified patients and doctors, as well as causing damages worth close to half a million pounds, as they destroyed medical equipment in the center.

Al-Shazly indicated in statements to Sky News Arabia that the center’s management is in solidarity with the doctor who was attacked, and the incident of the assault on him was recorded in her complaint, and that the matter is currently witnessing great interest from the highest authorities in the country.


The new attack took place once morest a cardiologist at Benha University, El-Sayed El-Darky, who told Sky News Arabia that the incident occurred at dawn on Thursday when he received a call from his neighbor in the city of Nabarwa, affiliated to Mansoura, seeking help to save his wife, who is detained in intensive care at Nabarwa General Hospital.

The doctor added that, in appreciation of his neighbor and his condition, he went with him to Nabarwa General Hospital and asked the doctors there to examine her. It turned out that she had a clot in the coronary artery two days ago and that part of the heart muscle was completely damaged, so he asked to transfer the patient to Glory Center specialized in heart operations in Mansoura for catheterization and cardiac resuscitation her pulmonary.

He added that the patient’s heart did not respond and she died of a heart attack, and when he went out to tell the patient’s family, he was surprised by her young sons and her father-in-law assaulting him with knives, causing him to suffer cut wounds in separate areas of the body that required him to undergo urgent medical intervention and 68 stitches.

He pointed out that the husband sick He was not attacked, but his father and his two sons were the ones who assaulted him, and they all went to the prosecution and were liberated record.

The doctor confirmed that he was forced to give up the report under the threat of the family of the patient who died because they threatened him to burn down his house and kill his two doctors as well, and he and his family now left their homes and went to stay on behalf of their relatives in Mansoura.

The doctor explained that he is currently 62 years old and has performed more than 6 thousand surgeries HeartAnd he supervised thousands of doctoral theses, and provided that patient with the utmost care and stipulated them MedicineHowever, he was surprised by her family attacking him and writing a report once morest him for causing her death.

For his part, the head of the Egyptian Doctors Syndicate, Hussein Khairy, said in statements to Sky News Arabia that this incident confirms what the union has repeatedly and over the years demanded of the need for state intervention to protect medical staff, and deter any aggressor once morest them.

He explained that the first means of deterrence is to modify the classification of assault on medical staff from a mere quarrel in which a report is written before a record and the truth is lost, to considering it an attack on a public official while performing his work and to intensify the punishment and not allow the aggressor to bargain and threaten the doctor, as happened with the case of a doctor Mansoura.

He pointed out that a delegation from the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Medical Syndicate visited the assaulted doctor to discuss ways to protect him and his family from the threats they are exposed to, as well as discuss how to support him to restore his right and reopen the file of the assault on him, which he gave up under threat and fear for his children.

Meanwhile, director of Glory Heart Center in Mansoura, Hesham El-Shazly, the center that witnessed the attack, said that the center’s management issued a criminal and civil report once morest the aggressors because they attacked a medical facility and terrified patients and doctors, as well as causing damages worth close to half a million pounds, as they destroyed medical equipment in the center.

Al-Shazly indicated in statements to Sky News Arabia that the center’s management is in solidarity with the doctor who was attacked, and the incident of the assault on him was recorded in her complaint, and that the matter is currently witnessing great interest from the highest authorities in the country.



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