“Elden’s Circle” 1.04 Valkyrie has become stronger with a bug, but still can’t win “Let Me Solo Her” | 4Gamers

From Software brought the 4th game balance update to Elden Ring yesterday (19th), mainly for oversized weapons and some spell casting speed adjustments, but the official did not expect this update to be unexpected The “Valkyrie” Malenia got a bug that made her more difficult to fight.

As we all know, in addition to her unique trick “Water Bird Flurry”, which is particularly difficult to dodge, her attack hits the recovery of blood is also one of the difficulties of the level, although as long as she is not hit, she will not let her recover, but after the 1.04 revision, Mary Lienia seems to gain the power of “cutting the air and recovering blood” due to the multiplayer difficulty of Hook Summoning.

This discovery naturally affects “Let Me Solo Her”, who is well-known overseas. He found yesterday that Malenia can recover blood on his own even if he is not hit, and this is the case in the first and second stages, which leads to The battles are longer, including intermediate cutscenes, and Hutou also has to take nearly 15 minutes to defeat Valkyrie.

According to the actual measurement, in the state of not connecting with other players to form a team, the single-player with Valkyrie will not particularly trigger this bug, so the bug is jokingly called by the players for “Let Me Solo Her”.

Of course, in addition to the bug of cutting air and returning blood, it seems that the time effect of the blue secret dewdrop has also been changed by mistake.

In any case, if you want to team up to fight Valkyrie recently, I’m afraid you have to face a more durable Malenia.

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