EPSCO Consulting | The European Medicines Agency and the European global health strategy at the heart of the meeting of European Health Ministers – March 14, 2023

François Braun, Minister of Health and Prevention traveled to Brussels to take part in the meeting of European Ministers of Health. For this first EPSCO council of 2023, the royalties of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the European strategy in global health were at the heart of the exchanges.

A legislative debate on the European Medicines Agency (EMA)

The Ministers of Health of the Member States discussed the draft regulation relating to fees and charges due to the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Collected by the EMA, these fees are paid by manufacturers for applications for marketing authorization (AMM) for a pharmaceutical product. This regulation is an important lever to support the major strategic orientations of the European Union in the field of medicines, particularly in terms of innovation, health safety and attractiveness. It aims to simplify what already exists, and to provide a solid, fair and proportionate financial basis to guarantee the resilience of the regulatory network formed by the EMA and the competent national authorities, such as the ANSM in France.

François Braun was thus able to affirm his support for this proposal for a regulation, which will make it possible in particular to take into account in the amount of the fees the evolution of the context to which all the Member States are subject (Brexit, inflation, etc.) We need to have a stable, fair financial system.

A time for discussion around the EU’s global health strategy

« Better health for all in a changing world “, Such is the communication adopted by the European Commission on the new European Union strategy for global health. This exchange was an opportunity to continue the dialogue around the implementation of the strategy and the possible commitments between health initiatives, the pharmaceutical strategy and the European health data space project. The ministers spoke regarding the possible synergies that might be put in place and their strengthening. They also studied the aspects, tools and actions for the implementation of this strategy.

The Ministers discussed the new EU global health strategy adopted by the Commission on 30 November 2022, in particular its implementation and the possible synergies between international initiatives and those taken at European Union level, such as as the European cancer plan, the pharmaceutical strategy and the European health data space project.

Health is an essential pillar of the European Union’s foreign policy and is therefore a critical geopolitical area. This new strategy reaffirms the responsibility of the European Union and strengthens its leadership in global health, by reaffirming its fundamental values ​​(solidarity, equity and respect for human rights).

François Braun was able to recall that this ambition is in line with France’s objectives in terms of global health:

• Achieve universal health coverage.

• Strengthen primary care and human resource needs

• Work on the determinants of health, such as poverty and social inequalities.

The ministers also addressed research issues around the long Covid and the risks of a drug shortage. The Council lunch was devoted to discussions around the joint purchase of Covid vaccines.



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