Essential Guide to a Balanced Diet: Importance of Micronutrients, Carbs, and Fiber

2023-07-29 17:58:01

A balanced diet can be essential to be healthy.

Have a balanced diet helps us prevent future health problems. It is necessary to know what foods we consume in our daily diet, and what contributions they offer us in quantity of vitamins, minerals and nutrients necessary to preserve the good health of the organism.

Los Micronutrients essential for the proper functioning of the body are carbohydrates, fats and proteins.. This combination provides what is necessary to have a healthy body, and gives us enough energy to carry out our day-to-day activities.

In this note we will talk about the importance of the consumption of carbs and fiberwhat is its exact amount to provide benefits to the body and in what foods can it be found.

Los carbohydrates are sugar moleculesExplain Medline Plus. They are one of the main nutrients found in food and beverages. They are converted to glucose and are a power source essential for the organism.

The fiber is a type of carbohydrate which provides great benefits for the health of the body, since it adds volume to the diet and provides a greater feeling of satiety when eating. Other properties it has is that it helps maintain blood sugar levels, can help lower cholesterol levels, and maintains good digestive health.

Las proteins are an essential element for the Cell structure, forms and supports the tissues that give shape to the organism. Good fats are necessary as they contribute to energy reserves like carbohydrates and aid in the absorption of micronutrients.

What is the ideal amount of micronutrient intake?

It is essential to have a varied diet for health. Photo Shutterstock.

both children and adult should adopt a proper diet that complies with the basic and specific nutritional needs of each one, for this it is recommended to consult a nutrition professional. Here we share what should be the ideal approximate portions of micronutrients for our daily diet:

Carbohydrates: 50%/ 55%. Among the carbohydrates is the fiber, Medline Plus highlights which should be consumed between 25 or 38 grams per day depending on sex.Proteins: 10%/ 15%Healthy fats: 30% / 35%

These are the estimated values ​​that an adult person should consume, although each case must be evaluated to consider the exact percentage to provide the necessary nutrients. According to a study published in the National Institute on Aging a varied and healthy diet prevents diseases.

The amount of energy value that you have to have a balanced diet for an adult should be around 1,700 to 2,500 calories per day. This varies according to the weight and muscle mass index that each person has.

The quality of food is essentialsince an older person needs a certain and sufficient caloric intake in carbohydrates, and micronutrients in their daily life.

What foods do you find carbohydrates in?

Los carbs Are composed of three groups main: sugars, starches and fiber. They can be found in foods like fruits, dairy products, legumes, rice, vegetables that contain starch such as potatoes.

Healthy carbs. Photo Shutterstock.

Also exist processed foods that contain large amounts of sugars and refined carbohydrates that They are not the healthiest for the body. They can be found in cookies, candy or soft drinks.

What foods do you find fiber in?

The fiber is composed of two groups:

Fiber intake is essential for muscle health. Photo Shutterstock.

Fibra soluble, is the one that manages to dissolve in water, forms a gelatinous substance in the stomach, slowing down digestion. This type of fiber is responsible for keep blood sugar and cholesterol levels stable. It can be found in fruits like, banana, apple, in cereals such as oatmeal and in vegetables such as peas, cabbage and avocado.
Fibra insoluble, this guy stays whole in the stomach. Its benefit is that it keeps the gut health and insulin sensitivity. Is found in wholemeal flour, bran, nuts and seeds, it is also present in the peel of some fruits and vegetables.

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