Experience Flemish Gastronomy: Smaakhaven – A Showcase of Culinary Delights in Antwerp

2023-06-26 14:24:00

As described by Gazet Van Antwerpen, “Smaakhaven” should become a center of experience around Flemish gastronomy, with culinary stalls, studios for cooking programs and a tasting bar. “We really want to make the bend of the Scheldt (a very popular corner of Antwerp, editor’s note) a showcase in order to strengthen the sector and attract tourists to Flanders”, declared in this regard Minister Demir (N-VA ).

“It’s nepotism”

On the side of the opposition and Groen, we are stepping up to the plate. “The whole file stinks,” said MP Björn Rzoska. The latter was able to access all the letters exchanged around this project. He certifies that it was indeed Bruges and not Antwerp that had the best references. “Less adjustments would have been necessary on the Bruges site. And the project was part of the culinary tradition of this city, with the School of Hospitality and Tourism of Spermalie”, adds the Flemish deputy. He further claims that Zuhal Demir had, in February 2021, given the green light by email to Bruges as a location.

But why this reversal? According to Björn Rzoska, everything changed at the end of March 2021. “That month, Demir had a meeting with the aldermen of Antwerp and his party colleague Koen Kennis (N-VA and Antwerp alderman for tourism, editor’s note). I can’t get around the fact that the N-VA is in opposition in Bruges, and in the majority in Antwerp. It is nepotism”.

Bart De Wever’s response to a study that classifies him as the “least active member” of the Flemish Parliament

The response of the offending minister

On the side of Zuhal Demir’s cabinet, we react by saying that these accusations are unfounded. “Mr Rzoska also knows that the Minister has reduced certain investments for the city of Antwerp from 84 to 38 million euros. It’s not a gift, is it? Before specifying: “After a series of visits, the Minister requested a new analysis, which showed that the location in Bruges and the Loodswezen in Antwerp were on a par. The minister had to make the decision and was supported in this by the entire Flemish government. If she had made a political choice, the Flemish culinary center would be in Genk or in Hasselt.”

As for the Antwerp alderman for tourism Koen Kennis, he also does not understand this exit from Flemish environmentalists. “The choice of Antwerp seems logical to me. Our city is the beating heart of culinary Flanders. It is therefore not surprising that this center is located here. This decision was greeted with great enthusiasm two years ago by the sector and the many top chefs in Antwerp,” he says.

#gift #million #euros #Demir #Wever #Controversy #Flanders #stinky #file



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