Experience the Beauty of the Orionids Meteor Shower: Peak on October 21st

2023-09-28 15:21:57

Home / Weekly One of Korea’s most beautiful meteor showers… peaks on October 21 Intern Reporter Lim Se-min (press3@koreatimes.net) Sep 22 2023 02:30 PM Observation is easy only if you get out of the city and take time to adjust to the darkness this fall. It presents a special astronomical phenomenon to astronomy enthusiasts. The Orionids Meteor Shower lasts from September 26 to November 22, and at its peak, up to 15 to 20 shooting stars per hour decorate the night sky. A meteor shower is falling from the sky. Provided by Unsplash For this reason, the Orionid meteor shower is considered one of the most beautiful meteor showers every year. This meteor shower is one of the astronomical phenomena that should never be missed, making the time looking at the sky even more special. According to NASA’s explanation, the space dust that causes the Orionid meteor shower comes from comets. Whenever this comet orbits the sun and approaches the sun, ice and rocky dust are ejected from its core into space. When these materials collide with the Earth’s atmosphere, the Orionid meteor shower is formed. Additionally, dust from the same comet creates the Eta Aquarids meteor shower in May. In this way, Comet 1P/Halley presents a beautiful meteor shower to Earth twice a year. This year’s Orionid meteor shower is scheduled to peak on the evening of October 21. If you want to enjoy it properly, you need to keep a few things in mind. Inside a city, it is highly likely that you will not be able to see shooting stars properly due to the light. It’s better to get out of the city and go to a darker place. The Canadian Space Agency also points out that it is best to observe from a location away from tall buildings or trees. You should take the time to let your eyes get used to the dark without looking at devices such as smartphones or tablets. If you prepare thoroughly, you will be able to enjoy beautiful shooting stars without missing them. Orionid meteors are famous for their brightness and speed, leaving behind glowing trails of dust and gas as they rapidly enter Earth’s atmosphere. You can also see the Draconid meteor shower on the evening of October 8th. This meteor shower, which has not been very active in recent years, has returned to Earth as good news. The Orionid meteor shower will be most actively observed on October 21st and will be a wondrous sight not to be missed for anyone interested in astronomy. www.koreatimes.net/Weekly Korea Intern Reporter Lim Se-min (press3@koreatimes.net) Please leave a comment. Comment operating principles

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