Flawless? SAT restores website for the annual tax return

The website of the SAT was restored and taxpayers You can now present your Annual statement of taxescorresponding to the Physical personswithout so many setbacks.

He Service tax administration (SAT) confirmed that the failures y mistakes on their page, which affected the first day of procedures for the annual declaration, were corrected in their entirety.

“The SAT informs that the applications on its site web official (https://www.sat.gob.mx/) and the minisite for individuals (http://omawww.sat.gob.mx/DeclaracionAnual2023/Paginas/index.html) do they work

normally, after intermittence” in said services.

The authority explained that the aforementioned failures were caused by the large number of personas who entered the site, to fulfill their Fiscal obligations and file your tax return.

“The SAT works to maintain the high availability that characterizes the services in

benefit of the taxpayers“, indicated the authority through an information card sent to the media.

Are there no longer any errors in the SAT portal?

So far, the SAT site does not present failures and does not issue the warning about a “connection error”, which yesterday prevented public access for alleged “problems” to check the authenticity of the portal data.

Contrary to the gray screens and the “page you are trying to view cannot be displayed” messages, this Tuesday – when entering the microsite – the public you will find the traditional access screen to start the declaration Yearly.

In the latter, the system or application of the Tax Administration Service requests taxpayers – natural persons – three requirements Of income:

  1. Federal taxpayer registration (RFC).
  2. Password or electronic signature, known as e.signature.
  3. Type the code o digital keyl known as captcha.

In this context, the SAT recalled that the official period to file the annual tax return, corresponding to natural persons, is valid throughout this month and expires on April 30th next.

#Flawless #SAT #restores #website #annual #tax #return
2024-04-04 06:02:46

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