for Frank Vandenbroucke, the switch to code yellow should take place “quickly”

According to the Federal Minister of Public Health, Frank Vandenbroucke, the switch from the corona barometer to code yellow should take place “rapidly”, i.e. in the coming weeks, he indicated on Tuesday in the House committee, without indicating a deadline. precise.

The switch to code yellow would mean the end of the federal crisis phase, he added, in response to questions from MPs Kathleen Depoorter (N-VA) and Robby De Caluwé (Open Vld). Almost all health measures intended to slow the spread of Covid-19, including the health pass (Covid Safe Ticket, CST), would then be lifted.

Frank Vandenbroucke met in the morning with Hans Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe. According to the minister, the two men considered that Europe and Belgium were entering a transitional period towards less circulation of the virus. However, the question of the impact of possible future outbreaks remains.

“A state of alert for the future”

“The debate must move to a state of alert for the future,” said Deputy Premier Vooruit. This vigilance must include organized care and instruments to be mobilized to deal with a new outbreak. According to the Minister, it is also necessary to think about future vaccination campaigns and the testing strategy to be planned, as well as the possibility of reactivating the CST if necessary. Finally, the functions of the corona police station, which will be abolished, will have to find a place within the existing administrations.

In code yellow, one of the latest health measures remains the presence of CO2 sensors “everywhere possible”: cafes, restaurants, cultural halls, etc. “The Concertation Committee is examining this point in depth and a minimum legislative framework is being prepared”, indicated Frank Vandenbroucke.

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